First 100 days

May 02, 2009 12:16

Here are some quick stats that most people don't know about Obama's first 100 days in office. When you normalize on 2008 dollars:

He has already spent more money than George W. Bush spent in his first 4 years in office.
He has already added more money to the national debt than Ronald Reagan did in his entire 8 years in office.

Note that keeping up with Reagan's military spending is what caused the Soviet Union to collapse, and that Obama has already surpassed that level.

Also, according to the Congressional Budget Office, the national debt at the end of Obama's first term will be on par with the Gross Domestic Product of the entire world. This means that if every single person, and every single business on the entire planet were taxed 100% of their income, it would take an entire year to pay off our National debt.

So, lets all hold hands and chant "yes we can" and pretend that "hope" is actually a viable economic strategy. Thanks guys. Fucking sheep.

Things may be looking up right now, but at some point we're going to have to start paying back the $2 trillion bailout/stimulus packages and the $1 trillion the Fed printed from thin air. If things do get worse when this happens, all of you that have Obama bumper stickers on your cars will want to remove them. You really don't want to be advertising that you were one of the people responsible.
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