[Relationship Status] - Taken
[Shoe size] - 10 1/2
[Parents still together] - yup.
[pets] - frankie, rodrie, gogo, and flampo the raging stalion(<--fish).
[Color] - ice cold blue
[Number]- 11
[Animal] - i wike kitties
[Flower] - lupins are fun to destroy
[Twirl your hair?] - sometimes.
[Have tattoos?] - Naw.
[Cheat on tests?] - i think i cheated on a gym test, c'mon it was a GYM test.. seriously..
[Like roller coasters?] - yes i do.
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] - all the time.
[Like cleaning?] - i like when i'm in a cleaning mood.
[Write in cursive or print?] - i can barely write print.
[Know how to drive?] - yeaup.
[Own a cell phone?] - yes.
[Ever get off the internet?] - hardly.
[Been in a fist fight?] - once, it was kinda, funny, the guy just started punching me for no reason and then i just threw him on the ground and put him in a headlock. that was the whole fight
[considered a life of crime?] - not realy.
[Considered being a hooker?] - i dont have the legs to be a hooker
[Been in love?] - sure.
[Made out with JUST a friend?] - well.. not realy, there were nore then friend feelings at the time of the makeout...
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] - haha, yes
[Current clothing] - jeans, jacket
[Current hair] - short and almost a faux-hawk, i'm so punk
[Current thing I ought to be doing] - expanding my horizons...
[Current cd in stereo] - none, listening to MSTRKRFT myspace, feel like dancing now.
[Last movie you saw] - Capote, was pretty good.
[Last thing you ate] - a twix bar...
[Believe there is life on other planets?] - friggin right, how could there not be?? seriously.
[Read the newspaper?] - not often.
[Hate yourself?] - no.
[Have an obsession] - not realy.
[you believe in love at first sight?] - no, people jsut believe in it because the fall in love with like 100 ppl they see and when one loves them back then its love at first sight..
[you believe in "the one?"]- um.. not realy.
[Are you a tease?]- naw.
[Too shy to make the first move?]- probably.
[Daydreamer] kinda.
[Sarcastic] yea.
[Shy] yes.
[Talkative] not too talkative
1. pierce your nose or lip: lip.
2. be serious or be funny: In the middle.
1. simple or complicated:: more complicated, i dont even understand myself.
1. What time is it:: 6:39am.
2. Name:: jeff
3. Nickname(s):: can think of any.
1. Where do you want to live:: the biggest city in the world, jsut so i can appreciate the small town again.
2. How many kids do you want:: 1.25.
3. What kind of job do you want:: design, creativity, photography.
4. Do you want to get married:: not decided.
1. Nervous Habits:: yawning.
2. Are you double jointed: no.
3. Can you roll your tongue:: i can crown it.
4. Can you raise one eyebrow:: yeah.
5. Can you cross your eyes:: not to good.
6. Do you make your bed daily:: hell no
1. Which shoe goes on first:: whichever ones closer
2. Ever thrown one at someone:: i would imagine at one point and time.
3. How much money do you carry in your wallet?:: -2300 (fucking visa).
In the last month have you...
Bought something:: Yes.
Gotten sick:: nope.
Sang: Yes.
Felt stupid: all the time.
Missed someone:: yea.
Kissed someone:: yes.
Got drunk:: naw.
Gotten high:: nah-uh.
Danced crazy:: all the time.
Gotten your hair cut:: Yes.
Watched cartoons :: nope.
Lied:: not consiously
Last Person that...
Slept in your bed:: vanessa, i got up first
Saw you cry:: prob, nessa
Made you cry:: myself
Saw a movie with you:: my brother and dad
Said 'I love you' to you:: ness
Been to California:: only in my dreams.
Been to Canada:: i live here u fucking stupid textbox!!
Been to Europe:: nope
Wished you were the opposite sex:: probably, just to see what its like.
Snuck out of your house:: no.