Title: Fade, 2/4 Pairing: Jared/Jensen, Jeff/Jensen Rating: NC-17 Word Count: 3180
Disclaimer: If only Jeff, Jensen and Jared were mine... *sigh*
Summary: Jensen gets lost in a world he never knew existed.
Warnings: D/s, Rape, Abuse
A/N: This chapter hasn’t been betaed! Which brings me to a glaring oversight - I forgot to credit my awesome beta
wickedlilwitch for the first chapter. And there aren't any links from chapter to chapter yet... I'm sorry. I'm sick and the only reason that I'm still writing at all is because my muse refuses to let me stop. I promise to come back and add them later. One of the Meme’s gave me this idea. I have no idea where I found the prompt… mainly b/c I tried really hard to forget it. But if this rings any bells and someone knows where the prompt is, let me know and I’ll link this story to it…
“If you fall, I’ll catch you.”