Fic Title: An Uncommon Season
Author name:
topaz119Artist name:
buff_irohGenre: RPS
Pairing: Jensen Ackles/Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~53,000
Summary: London, 1816. Napoleon has been defeated and the Prince of Wales rules England as Regent. Mr. Jensen Ackles, younger brother to the Earl of Richardson, travels to town in order to find a wealthy bride, to help the family finances recover from several generations of excess and poor management. At the same time, Mr. Jeffrey Morgan is summoned home from the Continent at the express request of his autocratic grandmother, the Dowager Countess of Graham. A London Season progresses along standard lines of balls and routs, assemblies and daily promenades in the Park. As Jensen and Jeff meet over the faro table and become better acquainted as the weeks go by, this Season proves to be most uncommon indeed.
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