Nov 01, 2004 19:20
hey kido's well lets recap october.... shitty fucking october i must say ending with "endless weekend" (john mullen) basically put a tent up add glen scalone, jose cuervo, mary, zippers up, 10 kids, 18 grams... and a black house or 2 and u got ur selves a nice couple of days on ur hands... can we say highland? very coincidental thats where my journeys broguht me yesterday .. well i love my friends.. and im still trying to find a nice girl so ladies .... shout a holla or just jump on top of me and rape me ( (seriously)be easy kids and a scene laid by an old friend
(as a young man walks out the door of a party with a computer monitor under his sweat shirt, he is met by a young lady)
"what the fuck are you doing "
"yo this is my computer"