I love waking up to nice surprises. This morning's was finding that
the Make Blog had posted
a cover shot and pointer to Carl and Jerry, Volume 1. I've been having an email conversation with Phillip Torrone, the editor over there, and he's asked me to do some additional material about Carl and Jerry, for posting in the blog and perhaps in Make Magazine itself.
Volume 2 is now in the "uncorrected proof" stage, and I'm plowing through it looking for OCR errors, widows, orphans, and misspellings that I didn't get the first time (or two times, or three times) through. The copy editing and proofing in the old Popular Electronics of that era was pretty light, and there are a surprising number of typos and other weirdnesses in the published text. I'm not doing any significant copyediting on Frye's text, but I am fixing obvious errors and misspelled words. There are some vexing gray areas: Like many writers, he had problems with "which" and "that" and I'm never entirely sure whether to fix things or simply allow them to remain as they were.
Volume 2 is on track to become available March 1 or very soon after. Volume 3, we're looking at mid-April. After that, all bets are off, but I'm still intending to get all five books out this year.