Dipping Back Into Delphi with List & Label 22

Jan 27, 2017 16:17

I haven't done a lot of programming for the last couple of years, and I miss it. Interstate moves and oxygen starvation will do that to you. I've converted some of my old Delphi apps to Lazarus, which in truth wasn't hard and probably can't be called programming with a straight face. And I have a project that I need to get back to, even if it has to be written in Delphi 7, which is the most recent version that I have. (Turbo Delphi doesn't count.) I no longer had a publishing company after Delphi 7 appeared, so post-2002 I dropped off their reviewers list. And $1,400 is a little steep for hobby programming--much less $4700 on the high end.

For some years I've been poking at the concept of a personal medical database. I'm old now (how did that happen??!?) and I take pills and get bloodwork and monitor various things to make sure none of my component parts are rusting out. I have Word documents full of notes, and scribbles on paper calendars, all of which really need to be pulled together into one searchable and reportable database. Some doctors won't believe that my blood pressure does not respond to sodium. I have proof. I'll bet, furthermore, that it will be a lot more convincing if it's placed in their hands as a professional-looking report.

All of what I've done so far has been in Lazarus, and most of that has been small proof-of-concept lashups, none of them newer than 2012. However, a marvelous report generator product has crossed my desk, and I want to give it a shot with my medbase app. The product is List & Label 22, from Combit, a small firm in southern Germany. It has God's own kitchen sink of features, many of them related to Web programming, which I simply don't do. However, it has all conventional reporting options I've ever heard of well-covered, and it supports all versions of Delphi back to D6. (It supports Visual Studio and many other dev platforms as well.)

It doesn't support Lazarus, alas. So I'll be trying it out in D7.

The big win (for me at least) is that L&L 22 provides a report designer in VCL component format that drops on a form and becomes part of your application. This allows end users to design their own reports. Given that my end user is me, I don't have to worry about end users doing gonzo things. I've always liked my software to exist as One Big Chunk (DLL hell, and all that) so this is right up my alley.

I don't yet know precisely what reports I'll want, and it may be the case that I won't know until I actually need one for a specific purpose, like laying out my data indicating that salt is irrelevant to my blood pressure. Having a report designer right there in the app means that I can design the report that I need when I need it, and not try to anticipate every damn thing I'll ever want while I'm building the program itself.

I should make it very clear here that I don't dislike modern Delphi. I still love it, but it's gotten enormously expensive, and the Starter Edition does not include database programming features. My other reason for using Lazarus is that I still intend to write intro-to-programming books using Pascal as the teaching language. Expecting students to pay even $250 for the Delphi Starter Edition is asking a lot, and worse, I intend to teach database work as well as conventional programming.

I'll have more to say about List & Label as I learn it. Ditto the medical database itself, which is now a set of tables full of test data and a couple of conceptual UIs. Stay tuned.

lazarus, pascal, programming, delphi

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