Nov 29, 2016 19:52
- I'm ok; stop fretting. I caught a very bad chestcold, which has
had me spending a lot of time in bed for the past week or so, time
I might otherwise have spent writing. Before that, I was trying to
figure out how to obtain health insurance in a county where the
cheapest plan costs $25,000 a year, with a $14,000 deductible. It's
been a yukky month, let's say.
- Deciding what to write has been a challenge. People are
complaining about the (lack of) size of my backlist, so what I
really need to be doing is writing a few short novels, but writing
them quickly. After all, Larry Correia's two-word formula for
success in SFF is "Be Prolific!" An ambitious novel set in the
Gaean universe might take me 18 months. Drumlin Circus
took me six weeks. I need to do that again. And again. And again
after that.
- Spending time in zero-G is evidently bad for your
eyeballs. Not yet precisely sure why, but it may be another
case of humans being evolved for a particular environment, like,
well, gravity.
- So far as we can tell, the efficiency of the Em Drive is related to the Q of the resonant cavity.
What, then, might happen if we
coated the interior of the truncated cone with a room-temperature
superconductor? No, I don't necessarily believe that it works.
But damn, I sure hope it does. And as I said about cold fusion,
even if the Em Drive isn't actually a drive, it could be something
else interesting and possibly useful. Research needs to
- Lazarus 1.6.2 has been released. It's all bug
fixes, but still worth having.
- Giving children whole milk (rather than lowfat or
skim) makes them leaner and generally healthier. Lowfat
and skim milk are a scam. Producers tell you skim milk is
healthy, sell you the skim milk, and then sell the cream to
somebody else. Don't fall for it. Skim milk is fed to pigs because
it keeps them eating.
- Eggs are good too: Eating one egg a day reduces your risk of stroke by
12%. I eat two. Fried in butter. (Thanks to Esther Schindler
for the link.)
- In 1919, big chunks of Boston were leveled by a tsunami
of...molasses. This is one of my favorite episodes from American
history, and here's a good summary.
- As Glenn Reynolds said of this link, Choose your
poison: Craft beer sales are dropping in states where
recreational marijuana is legal.
- Testable predictions are the key to solid science. A University of Arizona scientist has told us that
within ten years, climate change will wipe out all human life on
Earth. Let's put it on our calendars and show him how much we
f&$@** love science, whaddaya say? We could make it the biggest
story of 2026. The man deserves to be famous for such hard-hitting
- There should be plenty of takers: A global UN poll asking what people around the world
consider important shows that climate change comes in dead
- A separate poll shows that Americans are more afraid of clowns than climate
change. After thinking about it for a second...I am too.
- Cross a hot tub with a roller coaster and you
get...what? I'm still not sure riding a roller coaster dressed in
nothing but a towel couldn't have, well, unintended
- It's this simple, really: Fake news is news your tribe
disagrees with. Keep that in mind when the scrubbing starts.