Nov 06, 2005 17:31
So here's the deal: I apparently have this 4 page arcticle due on tuesday morning for Journalsim and I didn't know about it until today. I have to get ten (preferably 5 female and 5 male) people to answer questions in a poll that I create. So who wants to help me? Here are my questions, please refrain from simple yes/no answers:
1) If the administrators at your school learned that several students had AIDS, would you want them to allow the students to continue to attend classes with you?
2) Do you think it should be mandatory by law to inform students of students that have the AIDS virus?
3) How would you react to having a student with the AIDS virus in one or more of your classes?
There it is. Please help me, I'm really in a jam. If you do this, I will try to repay you in any way I can; be it homework help, writing tips, or sexual favors (you know I'm good for it ;) ).