Looking for interested parties to organise a fund raising event for the recent Japan Earthquake

Mar 14, 2011 18:55

Hi, this is Kristy and I am posting on behalf of Madeline of SG JUMP Crew.
As everyone is aware of, there was a serious Earthquake that happened on 11 March in Japan, Sendai.
We would like to organise an event to help raise funds for Japan.

Currently, we are looking for representatives(organisers of events) of the individual fan groups(arashi, kat-tun, kanjani8, news etc).
Also, calling out to those who stay in a condominium.
As it would be cheaper to book a place to hold the event in a condominium, if you'd like to help, please leave a comment.
The general idea would be to hold a JE fair, have a sale of some stuffs, fan-related activities and so on and part of the proceeds(I'm unsure. approach the organiser.) would go to the charities.

If you are interested, please leave a comment with your name, Email and Fandom(group that you are representing).
There would be a discussion tonight at 10.30pm onwards on msn.
For quick replies add sakuraying_aka_xxbloomxx@hotmail.com (Madeline) on msn.

Thank you!

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