(no subject)

Oct 04, 2004 18:58

Well today was quite entertaining i suppose. It all began with me listening to the very best of the beach boys in the car on the way to college, and ended with me listening to muse in the car on the way back from college. Anyway, in between we had a physics lesson i think. I dont actually remember that much of it which suggests it was kinda boring...i think there were some exam questions and dictations. anywho, then had 3 frees, during which i played poker, played extreme silent poker, bought lunch, and ate lunch. At lunch time, i did my german homework (thanks be to chaz.) At some point i mumified spencer in that real long scarf we have lying around.
OOoo, and at co-op i bought jammy dodgers. Now, spencer was of the opinion these were for me him and dave, however, i had clearly stated in co-op that the jammy dodgers were not part of the communist experience, since they were neither crips cakey or sausage rolls. Also i bought them with my money. We ate them in maths anyway. The return from co-op saw us re-visit the "wouldnt it be cool if we ran across this field dressed as lord of the rings characters?" which inevitably ended in the three of us cracking up saying "hehehehe, woh?" Then we went to the common room and told Jim to clear out the owl traps.

German was fairly easy lesson, then we had maths, which was ok, if not fun cos we put all the desks together so we cld work "co-operatively" :D so we ate jammy dodgers as i said, and made fun of Mr. Nixon.

After school i went to Pippie's abode and made fun of her geography book. Then we made a list of all the countries we want to visit. And they were all real countries as well. Also i tried to point out all 50 american states, but although i can name them in alphabetical order, i can't place them for toffee. And i like toffee.
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