Oh my gah she lives!

Jun 28, 2010 19:14

Hi guys! I hate that I've been away for so long but I'm back! And I bring fics!

Title: A Massage
Author: jeezjenna 
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Mike/Jesse Spencer
Word count: 5,124
Disclaimer: Don't own, just something I came up with, I promise.
Notes: I'm so so sorry that I haven't posted in such a long time but I'm back, and I think this one is really good. Shout out to everybody that read my old series, I'll be updating those soon as well :)

Mike really had no idea why he was doing this. He had to remind himself more than once that Billie was his best friend, and that he was doing this because he loved him, and because this was what best friends did for one another sometimes.

At least that’s what Billie had said.

Though he couldn’t help feeling kind of awkward as he stood on the doorstep of said best friend’s ex-boyfriend, holding a box of his things as he patiently waited for him to answer the door. He could almost feel the paparazzi quietly behind him, taking video and snap shots of Mike, being the conduit yet again in the most tumultuous relationship this side of Hollywood. These two made Sam and Lindsay look like newlyweds.


Billie and Jesse had been dating for almost 5 years on and off, and Mike liked to use that term loosely. They had been fucking “casually” (as Billie put it) for almost a year before they finally committed to one another, only slightly, for 4 years. Jesse was a playboy that was bad at monogamy and Billie was just a cock whore so they kind of matched, and things were okay for awhile.

...Until they moved in with one another.

Jesse had liked his space, but like the cock whore he was, Billie always wanted to be close. So they fought about that. Billie liked things neat, but like the bachelor that he was, Jesse just left things as they were. And they fought about that. Billie thought the color of the sky was more of an azure while Jesse felt it was a baby blue.

Well, that last one didn’t happen, but in the recesses of Mike’s mind he didn’t doubt its future occurrence.

But nonetheless, nothing really added up right when Billie and Jesse were together. Any opportunity for an argument neither one would back down, always needing to get the final word in a tiff that was entirely too petty. So Mike entered in like the catalyst he was, offering Billie to move in with him.

Maybe a bad move.

Mike ended up regretting this, for the sheer fact that this initiated the almost monthly conjugal visits to Jesse’s house. He felt like he was 12 again, getting tossed in between his feuding parents every other weekend. Jesse was his friend too, but Billie was his friend first, and that mattered more.

At least, that’s what Billie had said any way.


Mike shifted his weight from his left foot to his right and back again, his eyes drifting down to the box casually. He didn’t get a good look at the contents as the door opened, showing a flustered, half dressed Jesse breathless in front of him.

“Oh hey Mike,” He stepped back a little. “Come in, come in. I forgot you were stopping by.”

Mike bit his lip. “I should’ve called you first, I’m…sorry?” He didn’t mean for the last word to come out as a question, but the sight of Jesse’s house completely spotless boggled his brain for a second. “You’ve been…cleaning?”

Jesse chuckled as he shut the door behind him. He began to put a faded red shirt on, which Mike hadn’t noticed balled up in his hand. “Yeah well, I’ve been told it’s ‘more attractive’ to have a clean home. So yeah. I cleaned up.”

Mike opened his mouth to ask something, but Jesse beat him to the punch.

“And I didn’t pay someone to do it for me. I did it all myself,” He said, as a matter of fact-ly. “I came from the same place you did Mike. I’m not above that.”

Mike bit his lip. “Well you can’t hurt me for wondering,” He mumbled, avoiding Jesse’s gaze. “Where can I put this? I don’t wanna take up too much of your time.”

“Just put it right there,” Jesse said, gesturing to the couch. “And take up what time Mike? I haven’t actually seen you in months. The last time I saw you…you were pulling Billie off of me in that bar. Please stick around Mike. Have a beer or two.”

Mike sighed. He knew Billie would find it suspicious if he didn’t come back soon, but he was a big boy that was allowed to hang out with his friends.

"Sounds good.”


Mike and Jesse were pleasantly buzzed laying out on chairs poolside. The sun was beating down on their fair skin but neither seemed to care, because the lovely California breeze made it tolerable. They had gotten to talking at the beginning but by the 3rd and 4th beers neither one found it necessary to continue. It was so much better than hanging out with Billie, who hated silence. To Mike this peace was equivalent to hearing a full concert orchestra play the Moonlight Sonata.

Jesse sighed, but it was a satisfied type of sigh. “You wanna go swimming?”

“I don’t have my trunks with me. Sounds like a fun idea though.”

"Who said we needed trunks? Just hop in your boxers.” Jesse stood, his legs straddling the chair at he pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his sculpted chest. Mike couldn’t help but stare, and when Jesse turned to him, the “V” of muscle on Jesse’s hips led his eyes to other more scandalous places on his body.

“Do you need another invite? C’mon mate. It’s fuckin’ hot.” Jesse was working on his belt buckle and Mike looked away, lifting his own shirt over his head.

What was he doing? Why was he staring at Jesse? It wasn’t right: he’s Billie’s “ex” boyfriend. He was off limits.

But God, that only made him forbidden fruit and oh the things Mike would do to Jesse with fruit…

Mike snapped out of his reverie to chuck his shirt on the chair behind him. By the time he had his shorts around his ankles Jesse had already jumped in off the diving board.

“Hurry up and get in! The water is so nice!” Jesse dropped under and swum towards the shallow end, where Mike stood.

The bassist dragged a toe through the water, pulling it quickly when it hit his skin.

“What the hell are you on?” He asked when Jesse resurfaced moments later. “This water is freezing.”

“Pish posh Michael, get in! It’s boring without you,” The floor of the pool was high enough for him to walk over to where Mike was.

“I wouldn’t want to have to pull you in dear Mikey. Or do I?”

Mike smirked. “You wouldn’t.”

Before Mike could blink again, Jesse grabbed the back of his knees and pulled him forward, throwing him over his own body and into the water behind him.

Jesse waited for him for resurface before he replied, “And what wouldn’t I do?”

“Oh y-you’re a-asking for it n-now S-s-spencer,” Fuck this water was cold. Was Jesse half dolphin or something?

“Oh am I? It’s not like you could catch me Pritchard.”

Mike shivered again, but it wasn’t because he was cold. The way Jesse said his last name sounded so sexy with that accent.

“Really? Want to put your money where your Aussie ass is?”

“You fucking bet I do. How about a race from the shallow end to the deep and back? If I win you cook me dinner.”

Mike nodded. That was fair. Mike bossed in the kitchen. “Alright, then if I win…what can you give me if I win?”

A grin that could only be described as sinful crossed Jesse’s sexy face. “How about a full body massage, head to toe? I’ll keep it PG, I promise.”

They both laughed, but Mike was a little saddened. He kind of wanted an NC-17 massage…

“You got a deal Spencer,” He stuck out his right hand and they shook on it. “Okay grab onto the wall so it’s fair. You call it.”

Jesse smirked and held tight to the wall. “On your mark…get set…GO!”

Mike dove under the clear surface and kicked off the wall, every muscle in his body working. He rose to take a deep breath and started to butterfly stroke, anything to get him there faster.

He looked forward and saw he was only a few feet away from the wall. He raised up to slap it and saw Jesse only seconds behind him. He kicked off the wall again and pumped his arms as hard as he could, determined to get back to the other side. His lungs were starting to complain a bit, but he felt more confident and faster underwater.

Looking ahead he could see the wall. He swam to the surface and powered through the last few feet, placing his tired arms on the concrete.

Jesse arose about 3 seconds after him, panting heavily. He turned and looked at Mike, already at the wall. “Shit.”

Mike laughed victoriously. “Who’s the man now Mr. High-and-Mighty?” He danced around in a circle. “I do believe I get my massage.”

Jesse laughed. “Alright, alright, you won,” He pushed himself up using the wall and climbed out. “Come on and let’s go into the pool house. We can get dry in there.”

Mike climbed out and together they walked towards the pool house, a small building no bigger than a two car garage. It was nicely decorated, with a small kitchenette, pool and foosball tables, a long, plush looking futon that was unfolded, and an entertainment system. Mike was impressed.

Jesse had gotten Mike a towel and a new pair of boxer-briefs from a closet and chucked them at him. “Where’d you learn to swim like that?” His voice was breathy, and the sound was construed as dirty in Mike’s mind.

Mike shrugged, focusing on his question. “I dated a girl in high school that was on the swim team so I alternated between all the strokes she attempted to teach me.” He looked at the boxers in his hand and could feel a flush creep up his cheeks. “Where can I change?”

Jesse shrugged right back. “Eh, it doesn’t matter to me. We’re both guys, nothing we haven’t seen before.” He turned around and dropped his boxers. Mike only saw the quickest flashing on creamy white skin before he shut his eyes and turned away himself, doing the same. He dressed as quickly as he could without falling over, thinking sad thoughts to rid his face from it’s flush that he knew existed there.

“Alright, so I’m a man of my word,” Jesse began, picking up the wet articles and balling them together, tossing them by the door, and not pausing when Mike did the same. Casually he strolled back to the closet and removed 3 bottles from it, each half-full with different shaded oils. “Lay on futon for your deserved massage.”

Mike did as he was told, his muscles feeling tired now. He laid his head on a pillow and shut his eyes slowly, letting the feeling of the futon’s cool exterior calm his weary body. In that instant he concluded that getting older kind of sucked.

“You’re alright?” Jesse asked, noticing how sleepy his companion had become.

Mike managed to nod. “Just got really tired…I can’t push myself like I used to. But I’ll be fine.”

“Okay then. Well just relax and enjoy.” Jesse straddled his back, and Mike could feel the hard muscles in his thighs on his sides. The click of one of the bottles opening preceded a cool liquid being drizzled onto his neck and shoulders, the scent reminding him of lilacs and vanilla.

Jesse fanned his fingers over Mike’s back, spreading the oil across his shoulders. Mike could feel the calluses on his left hand from years of playing the violin, but the roughness felt nice as his thumbs gradually dug into the sides of his shoulder blades, causing him to unconsciously moan lightly.

Mike felt completely pliant and at ease under his hands, as each finger thoroughly worked out every kink and stress from his upper body. Every moment of increased pressure Mike’s breathing stopped, and he groaned, eagerly anticipating the next deep rub. It just felt so…good. Unadulterated good flowed through his veins. This was so worth not breathing for 30 seconds or so.

Jesse lifted up and moved down his body, skipping down to his thighs. He opened up another bottle, this one a Chamomile scented oil, which he drizzled over both of Mike’s thighs. Starting a little under the leg of his boxer-briefs, he cupped his whole right thigh in both of his hands and rubbed, close enough to Mike’s groin to cause him to suck in air.

“How’re you doing?” Mike barely realized Jesse spoke. His ears felt like they were full of cotton.


Jess chuckled as he switched to his left thigh, applying the same amount of pressure. “I’ll take that as a good?”


Mike could feel a familiar stirring in the pit of his stomach. Now was not the time to get an erection. Now was definitely NOT the time!

He figured in his head that as long as Jesse didn’t ask him to turn over, he could stay like this. Quickly he scanned through his standard catalogue of depressing images to will his untamed cock down, but to little avail. Every time Jesse’s hands smoothed themselves over one of his thighs, thoughts of what those hands could do to him in other places sent shivers down his spine. This had to stop, before he embarrassed himself, and made things weird.

“Oh God,” Mike strained through clenched teeth, now that he was fully hard. “Jess, Jess you gotta stop man.”

Jesse’s hands ceased their sinful movements. “What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?”

Mike shook his head. “No, no, no. I, um…” Think of an excuse, quick! “I really have to pee. Where’s the bathroom?”

“The door for the bathroom is in front of the pool table,” Mike couldn’t see his face, but just from his voice he could tell he was skeptical. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

Mike sat up and covered his crotch with his hands, not looking at Jesse. “Yeah I’m fine, I just really have to go,” He scurried off to the bathroom. “Let’s watch a movie when I get back, yeah?”

Jesse was puzzled. “Alright man, I’ll put on the new Tarantino if you want me-”

Mike had reached the bathroom and shut the door behind him swiftly. “Yeah sounds great!” FUCK!

Little Mikey was straining to get out of its cotton prison, and big Michael had no idea what to do.  I can’t beat off right now! THIS SHOULDN’T BE HAPPENING TO ME!

Looking to the ceiling Mike started to pray to will away his erection, in exchange to stop swearing and eating so much red meat, but he knew it’d be to no use. He was undeniably hard for his best friend’s ex boyfriend, who (he was pretty sure) was freaked out in the next room.

“Fuckfuckfuckingfuckfuck.” Mike mumbled, entangling his fingers in his own hair. He had already been in there for at least a minute, any longer and Jesse would have to be showing concern. He thought about hiding it, but what would be the use? These boxers were maybe a size smaller than what Mike had come over with, and left almost nothing to the imagination. He was going to bust some seams if this erection didn’t go away soon.

“Mike?” FUCK. “Are you alright? You seemed a little spooked or something. Everything okay?”

Mike inwardly groaned. Fuck Australians with their sexy accents! “Uh, yeah I’m fine, I’m just feeling weird. I haven’t worked out in awhile.” Nice lie, asshole.

“Yeah I know what you mean. Can I get you something? Ginger Ale maybe? Popcorn is good for settling my stomach.” Jesse was literally right outside the door now, which Mike realized just now was unlocked. Shit.

“Could you? That’d be great.” He could hear his breathing outside of the door, holy fuck…

“No problem, lemme just run back to the house. I’ll be a minute.” Take hours! Please!

Mike could hear Jesse get farther away, and the screen door of the pool house opening and closing. He let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding in, and tried to focus himself on what to do. Time was certainly of the essence as he paced the bathroom a few times, looking down at his still very erect dick.

The New Tarantino? Isn’t that one about killing Nazis? What’s arousing about that? Nothing! I’ll just go out there, watch someone get scalped and then I’ll be fine.

Mike opened the door, and never wanted death to come so quickly. He slammed straight into Jesse, knocking him, a full bowl of popcorn and two cans of Schweppes down to the ground with the bathroom door.

“Oh my God Jess I’m, I’m so sorry! I didn’t know you were right behind the door. I’m sorry!” Mike stammered, his face becoming bright fuchsia.

“Ow ow ow, fuck that hurt,” Jesse groaned, slowly sitting up. Mike noticed his eyes were closed. Fuck. Mike was frozen where he stood. It’ll be just a few more seconds before he throws me out.

“Are you-” Jesse’s lips began to form the “o” sound but nothing came out. Instead, his eyes fixed themselves on Mike’s crotch, specifically, the 8 inch outline of his dick lying prominently across his right thigh, stretching the fabric taut. “…okay?”

“Jesse it’s not what it looks like, I promise, I-I-I,” Mike ran out of things to say. What could he? Sorry I got a boner while you were giving me an erotic massage, let’s stay friends? There was nothing else he could do or say. “I’ll be leaving now I guess…” Mike started walking towards the door, unable to meet Jesse’s eyes. He could finally feel his erection going away, and could only sigh in disappointment. Of course losing a friend would be what it takes to get you to go away, stupid dick.

“Mike.” Jesse’s hand clamped around his ankle, and for the second time that day Mike froze where he stood. Jesse shakily stood to his feet, right in front of Mike, still wearing the same confused expression on his face from the moments previous. Before Mike could even manage an apology, Jesse kissed him firmly on the lips, nothing too chaste, but not nearly as sensual as that massage.

“Jess, I-” Mike said after Jesse pulled away, though Jesse was quick to shut him up with another kiss to his lips.

“Don’t talk.”

Those two words lit a flame under the both of them, and within a breath their lips were sealed together again in a fiery kiss, tongues smoothly battling for dominance. Jesse’s hands clamped around Mike’s waist and directed him backward to the futon, where they both unceremoniously fell, Jesse somewhat crushing Mike’s smaller frame with his body.

He broke the kiss long enough to chuckle out a “Sorry love”, before Mike shut him up with another searing kiss, desperately needing that contact to not be broken.

Jesse lifted his hips away from Mike’s, and as fast as his hands could scramble, he pulled down both of their boxers, at least enough to free their erections. Tentatively, he slid his hand around them both, causing Mike to moan so gutturally, Jesse wished it was recorded. He stroked them in tandem, his hand shaking as the heat increased, and as the need to bury himself as deep as physically possible in Mike grew stronger.

As difficult as it was, Jesse pulled his hand off the two of them, and they both fussed to get the restrictive cotton off without breaking contact. Mike threw his pair somewhere; he didn’t really care where they landed, as long there was nothing separating his body from Jesse’s glorious cock. He couldn’t help but slowly thrust against the hot length, loving that Jesse started to thrust back. He spread his legs wider, and Jesse slid right in between, nothing feeling more right. There couldn’t be anything in the world better than this right now, laying stark naked under this Australian god.

The thrusting became faster, and a little less harmless. In an attempt to slow things down before he got too carried away Jesse cupped Mike’s face in his hand and put pressure to the smooth skin, calming his eager lips and tongue.

“God Mike,” He said breathily, stroking his cheek. Mike thought to shut him up again, but his voice sounded a bit huskier and more desperate. Just the way he said his name Mike thought he’d come on the spot.

“I want…damn Mike…” Jesse chuckled as a flush crept up his cheeks.

Mike smiled and their eyes locked. “What? Just say it.”

“Aha, I…shit Mike, I want to fuck you so badly. I’ve wanted it for, God I don’t even know how long, but I’m fit to burst if I don’t get inside of you right. now.”

Mike’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as he moaned; never had anyone said something so scandalous, so fucking hot to him before. “Yes please Jess OhmyGod, do it right now!” Jesse smiled sinfully and took Mike’s breath away again in a kiss, so needy, so hungry for more.

Blindly Jesse reached around for the last bottle of oil, the one he had yet to open. It was blueberry scented lube, a known favorite smell of Mike’s. Jesse hadn’t planned on using it right off the back, but he figured now it would come in handy, and score him some brownie points. Nothing wrong with coming prepared, he thought to himself as Mike gave his lip a little bite, bringing him back to the reality that he had Mike fucking Dirnt under his body, hot and hard and all for him.

Breaking away from Mike was all of a sudden very difficult, but he pulled away, groaning as he did so.

“Why, for the love of all things holy, did you stop?” Mike panted, sitting up on his elbows. His lips were swollen and red, and his hair was semi-wet and the dry bits were sticking up on odd angles, but Jesse still thought he was the hottest thing ever.

Jesse chuckled, running a hand through his own hair. “I need a condom, I mean you don’t have anything to worry about but…you wouldn’t happen to have one, would you?”

Mike racked his brain; the one in his wallet was definitely past expiration, and he didn’t carry them around in his pockets anymore, cause honestly that went out with turning 30…

“I don’t have one, but I don’t care Jesse, honestly I trust you and I’m horny and if you don’t fuck me into this bed right now I’m go-“ Jesse didn’t need to hear anymore, slamming his mouth onto the blue eyed man’s below him. Fuck. Yes.

Jesse moved with skilled urgency to get lube onto himself and down around Mike’s entrance, the sharp scent of blueberries swarming the thin amount of air between them. He pushed a calloused finger deep into the bassist, glad that there wasn’t much resistance. Mike whined at him, becoming restless, until in one smooth motion Jesse removed his finger and pushed his erection inside, causing the two to break apart again and moan huskily.

Jesse couldn’t believe it. He was buried almost balls deep into the hottest bassist on this planet, and dearholyGod was he tight. “Mike, shit Mike I’m…there’s no way I’m going to last long.” He confessed, his long hair framing both of their faces in a curtain of blonde.

“I don’t caAAOH GOD,” Jesse had struck gold, grinning in victory. Prostates fucking rule. “Just hit that spot again and you can do whatever you want!”

Immediate Jesse started to thrust, no longer able to think as Mike’s tightness kept all blood in his dick. He buried his face into the crook of Mike’s neck, his lips sucking on his jaw line, his collar bone, anything to have more of him.

“Ho-oly shit Jess,” Mike cried, his body glistening from sweat. He managed to untwine a hand from the futon cover to pull Jesse’s lips to his own, hating that his release was tumbling towards him so quickly. “Faster please, Oh God Jesse!”

Jesse grunted in response to Mike’s moans as he obliged his request, plunging deeper and faster into the man below him, his hips now moving at their own accord. He reached between their hot bodies and stroked Mike, completely out of time with his thrusts, but neither cared, both painfully in need of this release. It had been almost a year since Mike had gotten any sort of action, and maybe months since any fulfilling self pleasure. He had been too stressed dealing with Billie to really give a go at himself recently, which bothered him now, as the sex he was having now was too good to have it be over so soon.

Jesse recalled the last time he was in this position only weeks before with Billie, after a shouting match between them led to him bending Billie over the kitchen counter and fucking him boneless. A cynical part of him loved getting into fights with the little green eyed man; only because he knew the sex would be animalistic afterwards. What didn’t he love about crazy sex with Billie? Later, if asked, he’d say that he missed Billie’s wake up kisses in the morning the most, something cutesy like that. It wouldn’t be a lie, because he did. But what he really meant was that he really, really missed the wild, savage angry sex. At the moment, somehow in his sex driven mind, this held precedence over a sleepy kiss at 9 am.

Sex with Mike was definitely different though. Billie, though skinny, had curves. His hips rounded out in a way that could only be considered feminine, and Jesse liked that. If Billie had boobs, well Jesse was sure he’d never let him leave the house, because boobs were the only thing he missed about sex with women. But Mike, Mike is all edges. There is very little that was soft about Mike’s body, and Jesse cursed himself, wondering why he didn’t spend more time worshipping his every edge.

Jesse thought briefly for a second if sleeping with his ex-boyfriend’s best friend was a bad idea, but then a particular thrust caused Mike’s inner walls to clench around him tightly and all good judgment went out the window. There’ll be time for regret afterwards…

“Fucking yes Mike!” Jesse groaned, thrusting a little harder. He thought he should take into consideration if he was hurting his partner, but Mike was moaning like it was the only thing he knew how to do, so he figured he was fine. If I was hurting him, he’d say something.

Jesse dipped his head back down to Mike’s neck, intent on leaving a hickey. He sucked the skin just above the hollow of Mike’s collar bone hard, eliciting a throaty moan from the writhing man below him. “God please don’t ever stop!” Mike cried, his back arched slightly at the spark in this new pleasure. Jesse focused back on stroking Mike to completion, wanting to come with him but feeling his resolve begin to slip, and the ability to hold on to his orgasm become more difficult.

“Fucking come for me,” Jesse hissed in his ear, his accent heavy and sexy and Mike couldn’t even believe that he was talking to him like this. “Come for me Michael.”

Mike began to shout Jesse’s name but Jesse kissed him hard as he did so, his tongue laving the inside of his mouth. And all at once Mike’s world began to spin as his orgasm crashed hard into his body, shaking his core as his seed spilled over Jesse’s hand and between their bodies. Oh holy fuck. I’ve apparently never had an orgasm up until today…

Mike flopped back down onto the bed panting, his body still reeling from the orgasm, and from Jesse’s continuous thrusts.

“Oh God…MIKE!” Jesse shouted, coming deep inside of Mike’s exhausted body, his own still shaking with aftershocks. Slowly, he pulled himself from Mike and collapsed on the futon, being courteous enough to not fall on top of him.

For a minute they both remained silent, still out of breath. Mike didn’t even think he’d ever be able to move again, and was shocked when Jesse began to get up and head toward the bathroom. His eyes followed his body, unable to take his eyes off his tanned skin, those gorgeous abs, and that ass… Mike could feel himself getting turned on again and it hadn’t even been a minute since they ended.

Jesse returned, carrying a warm, damp cloth. He kneeled onto the bed next to Mike, and began to clean him up, wiping the sex from his chest. Mike looked up, a cheesy grin on his face. He was still high as a kite from their copulation.

“Hi.” He said, giggling a little. Jesse smiled; he liked Mike like this, thoroughly fucked and sated and fucking happy for once.

“Hello love,” Jesse replied, smoothing Mike’s hair down. “How’re you feeling?”

Mike giggled again. “Like you fucked the composure out of me.”

Jesse grinned even wider. Mike always made him happy somehow. “Wanna stay for dinner? I make a great risotto alla Milanese.” His voice was sing-songy as he winked at Mike, still smoothing his hand over his head.

Mike looked over his head at the clock over the door, which read 6:04, and frowned. “I told Tre I’d have dinner with him in a half an hour.” He was only half telling the truth. He really was going out to dinner with Tre.

It’s just that Billie Joe was going to be there too.

His better judgment kicked in, and he realized that mentioning their common factor might kill the mood a little.

Jesse frowned a bit. “Pity. I wanted to feed you some of my delicious sausage…” Absently his thumb began to trace Mike’s bottom lip, which was still swollen from heated kisses and Mike sighed, his eyes rolling into the back of his head.

He was hard again, yep.

Jesse looked down his body, grinning at Mike’s reawakened cock. He bent down and started to kiss his chest, kissing lower and lower down, until he reached his prize. “Well now, what kind of host would I be if I were to let you leave my house in such a state?”

Mike sat up on his elbows and looked at the blonde man, his mouth poised over his erection, and smiled.

Tre and Billie could wait a while.


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