Bad Jenna! How dare you not post for a month!

Nov 11, 2008 20:15

Title: To Love Me Forever
Author: Moi
Pairing: Billie/Mike, Billie/Tre
Disclaimer: No es mio
Summary: Mike gets help, and does something stupid.
A/N: Yeah so I haven't updated in like ever, and I had the day off today, so I decided to end this viscious cycle of not posting. I haven't had anytime to even breathe, but I do now, so here it is. There's a character shout out to a st_ciasta fic character in here, and it's also un-spellchecked (sorry). Enjoy and I love you all :)
Mike's hand trembles as he dials the number of the one person he's sure hasn't turned his back on him. Well, he's not sure, but, it's worth a shot.

"Hello?" A deep male voice asks.

"Yeah, hi, it's Mike, Mike Pritchard."

"Mike! Whoa man, what the hell is going on with you? You just pick up and leave, no note, nothing dude. Dorm monitor had to break it to me."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I kinda got swept up into the wrong crowd."

"I got ya. So what's up? Everything okay?"

Mike sighs. "Not exactly...I caught Marcus...cheating on me."

The phone goes silent, and before Mike opens his mouth, he hears a deep sigh.

"Wow, Mike I'm sorry. Jeez man, I'm really sorry. How you holdin' up?"

Mike bites his lip, trying to keep in his emotions. "I'm not actually. Um, shit, that's kind of why I called. I have nobody now...I need you man."

"You know I got your back Mike. Why don't you swing by the diner in 10 minutes and we'll talk? How does that sound?"

"Like the nicest thing somebody's said to me in weeks."

"Aw don't put that on me. I'm just being a friend. So you'll be there?"

"Totally...I need to air out for a little bit."

"Good then. I'll see you in a little bit yeah?"

"Yeah. Oh and Oliver?"


"Thank you for picking up. Really, thank you."

"It's no problem. See you soon."



Mike silently closes the door to Oliver's (he didn't feel right calling it their's yet, he had only moved in two day ago) dorm so he wouldn't wake him, and quietly tiptoes down the hallway, all the while trying to figure out where the hell he wanted to go.

So Oliver did actually show up to the diner, and they stayed and talked until the owner told them it was closing time. For reasons Mike couldn't comprehend, Oliver invited him to move back in, and let him crash on his old bed for the night, promising to help him move out of his apartment and move back into their dorm the next morning. Mike has been more than greatful, but at this point, he needs a break.

And what better way to take a break than to sneak out and, oh, maybe drive a couple of hours to your ex-boyfriend's apartment?

Mike knows he's being stupid, he knows that he should just pull back into the parking lot, cut the gas and go back to his dorm room. But, as much as he knows Billie's not going to take him back, he needs to just see him. Not to talk, he just needs to see his face.

The clock on the dash strikes 12, and Mike realizes it's Valentine's Day. The anniversary of his and Billie's first kiss.

One year. We didn't even last a year. he thinks, shaking his head as he pulls onto an exit ramp.

A year ago today his life changed. A year ago today he was happy. Now he's out of his mind with grief, about to do something he knows he's going to regret.


Mike turns his car off a bit away from Billie's apartment building, having only been in it once when they were thinking about buying it together. He curses himself inwardly as he remembers that he didn't even help Billie move in, that this was never their apartment. According to the Andy, who begrudgingly spoke to him over the phone, it was Tre and Billie's apartment now.

"What am I doing here?" he says aloud, looking around at the dark, but still active street. He grew up around here, but yet he feels like he's intruding, almost as if he's an unwanted tourist. He knew this was a bad idea, he knew it, should've just stayed hom-

The warm, familiar sound of laughter fills his ears, and he looks down the street, seeing two men running and giggling on the sidewalk. The taller of the two is chasing the smaller, and they both look so happy, so alive. Mike can barely remember what that feels like.

The smaller man blasts past Mike's car and reaches Billie's apartment door in victory, the other sighing in mock defeat. Mike rolls down his window to hear what their saying, looking in the rearview mirror to see them.

"Ha! I told you I'd beat you. Eleven months older just means I'm better!" He pants, doing a little victory dance.

"Okay Bill, whatever you say."

Mike's heart rose to his throat. The small man is his Billie, in the flesh.

"Well you know what I get now because I won right?" Billie asks in that tone Mike knew too well. He pulls Tre into him by his jacket and Tre chuckles. "Oh yeah, I'm going to suffer so much..." he replies, and they kiss passionately and slightly wantonly, obviously not caring about being in public.

MIke feels sick at the sight, seeing his two ex-bestfriends, one of whom used to be his boyfriend, making out like it's the end of the world.

"Mmm, you taste good." Tre declares after he pulls away, stealing another quick, but steamy kiss. "Are you sure? Because I'm positive there are some places you have yet to devour yet..." They kiss again, hands roaming freely over the other's body. Tre pulls them apart again, and Mike sees him take a nice squeeze of Billie's ass with both of his hands. "Maybe we should take this upstairs? Even though I would love to eat you out right here, I wouldn't want anybody to get jealous." Billie chuckles. "C'mon you sexy bastard. You have a bet to fufill." They climb up the steps and Billie opens the door with his keys, and leaving Mike's sight.

He knew he shouldn't have come here.

billie/tre, billie/mike, to love me forever

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