(no subject)

May 06, 2011 00:01

Hello lifejournal, it's been ages since I have been here. Hello, hello, hello. Life is pretty weird now. It's at the in-between stage, and I can already see the end of this period. University looms at the corner of my peripheral future vision. Omg, should the word even be "looms", that sounds so scary and foreboding, but in a way it does feel like that, tbh, in many ways. How will things be so far away? Will you be happy? Will I be happy? Will there be things to do, food to try, people to help, things to learn, skies to see, flowers to gawk at? Is change good? I have been pretty much of a bum, but that feels good after 6 years of mad-hectic-attemptstoachieve school life. Watching TV series felt pretty good, until I basically ran out of things to watch. Now I'm kinda reading mad dystopia books, history books, classics. I baked until the oven tripped and the house ran out of electricity till the electrician saved us all. I give tuition, I design shoes, I do a few internships, I learn how to drive, I explore Singapore and sometimes other parts of the world, I decorate my room, I draw a little, I mourn for my dog, I attempt to volunteer (organisations ignore me), I wrote the Easter Play, I learn how to play the violin. I hope that's enough, I hope I'm good enough for the world, for you, when the time comes to be.
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