I Stayed up till 3am for THIS?

Feb 09, 2009 03:17

Ya know, I take that back. Last season, with the exception of maybe one or two episodes, was completely devoid of suck. This season took a giant leap back towards the trainwreck that was Season 3 and most of Season 4. Like a lite version of that kind of suck.

Shenny has taken all the possible cuteness out of any of the show, and turned it around into making me want to poke my eyeballs out. For reals. I loved Jenny last season. And I never thought that could happen. Though I blame most of it on the fact that the Jenny/Niki romance was completely unexpectedly captivating. Yes Kate French, I blame your hotness and total ability to sell being in love with Mia. But that's besides the point. Cause Jenny is a major pain in the ass once again this season. And by default she's making Shane really annoying too. And while I've never been a Shane fan, I could always tolerate her. That's starting to wear thin. And we're only four eps in.

Max and the Taylor Hicks lookalike, please go away now. Please? I get why they did the story, in fact I was just watching the special about the man mama on TLC tonight. But Daniela Sea has no capacity to pull anything remotely dramatic off. So please stop trying. K, thanks.

And btw, they are TOTALLY hooking Kit up with the Drag King dude. Sunset something? It's kind of cute in a very odd, probably should bother me kind of way. For Kit being straight, she sure loves her drag dudes.

Tasha and Alice continue to do nothing for me. Can they break up now already instead of playing the threesome card. Cause it's just strange.

Tibette still is the highlight for me. Though the adoption storyline bores me slightly. But we get cute family bonding moments, so I guess I can deal. And they're doing the storyline cause of Laurel's real life experience, so free pass I guess. Cause Laurel rocks. And is fucking hot in a black t-shirt and jeans. Damn.

rants, tibette, the l word

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