Hard day's night....

Jan 21, 2009 22:24

I'm wondering what good it does me working for my hospital when it doesn't do me any good when the going gets tough.

A little backround on why I'm so cranky.....

My mother was diagnosed with gall stones back in September. The doc said not to worry about them if she doesn't have any problems with pain or symptoms. Well she's been fine, at least up until right after Christmas. She started feeling bloated and getting back pain. She had two 'attacks' like that, so she called the doctor and he made her an appointment to have a consultation with a surgeon to have her gallbladder removed.

Flash forward to Monday morning. She's throwing up, in really bad pain. We wait a bit to see if she starts feeling better, like the previous two attacks. She doesn't. So around 1pm, I decide to take her to the emergency room. It's busy but not standing room only or anything like that. Hours and hours go by. They get her registered, take a blood sample, and then are checking her vitals every two hours. In the mean time she's getting worse and worse, the pain is intensifying, she's still throwing up, she's freezing. I'm at the point where I'm ready to throw a fit, which probably would have gotten me fired. Finally, 10 hours later.....

Yes, TEN FUCKING HOURS later, they put her in a room to see a doctor. Her blood tests seemed fine according to the doc, so they gave her some anti inflammatories, some pain meds, and gave her some IV fluids. I could finally take her home around 3am.

I'm still really pissed off. She sat in that waiting room for 10 hours, in tremendous pain. And they did nothing. She could have had a blockage, she could have had ANYTHING. And they did nothing at all. I'm going to write a letter to our CEO, and I think I might give a call to the patient care rep that's in the ER. I just couldn't believe how ridiculous that was though. I was so damn mad.

rants, life

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