NikkiStew Has Outgayed Bleighton! The Sky is falling!

Nov 27, 2008 02:24

Let me preface this by saying I have NOT become a Twilight fangirly. I haven't seen the movie, I haven't read any of the books. But thanks to fembuck I managed to take notice of the massive amounts of gay that Nikki Reed and Kristen Stewart produce when they're within ten feet of one another. A lot of you have probably seen the Vanity Fair shoot with the kiss and quick boob grab. Well that was the edited version. There was an uncut version, an hour long, on the VF website. Most of it was boring RPatz and KStew posing and preening, but there were some VERY interesting morsels of NikkiStew, er Kreed, er, Krikki, or whatever the hell their new shipper name will become.

In any case, I ripped the one hour video from the VF site, edited it down to the pertinent, read, GAY, parts, added a little music to cover up the nasty audio from choppy cuts, and voila, we have Bleighton being outgayed. And REALLY outgayed at that.

image Click to view

And why did I use the music I did? Because I love it, and I'll probably never be able to utilize it in a fanvid, so I stuck it in here. And I don't care how ridiculous it comes across. :P

nikkistew, youtube videos

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