'Best I Ever Had' - Tina/Bette(The L Word) Fanvideo

Mar 03, 2008 03:02

Song: Best I Ever Had by State of Shock

Pairing: Bette/Tina (The L Word)

Vidder: Casandra(No Other Way Productions)

Summary: Bette and Tina have both made a lifetime's share of mistakes. But they will forever love each other. Is that love enough to bring them back together after all of the hurt?

Creator's Note: This is my first foray in L Word vidding. It's quite nice actually to be able to vid an actual couple for once instead of just trying to manipulate subtext. Nikki asked me if it was easier though, and I'm still not sure. It was a challenge though because of temperamental editing programs. I used Sony Vegas for the first time along with Movie Maker. The end result I'm pretty happy with, so I hope everyone likes it as much as I do.

{YouTube} -- {Download(large file)}

tibette, fanvid

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