We interrupt this Spash fangirly glee moment.....

Aug 14, 2007 22:35

I've been completely on the Spashley bandwagon of glee these last few days. The season premiere was bitchin', so yeah, easy to understand I'd say.

But I've been momentarily pulled from that particular fandom by something of interest in the OTH one.

So I'm reading the OTH spoiler thread at FF tonight for the first time in a while. And there's a very interesting side summary posted for episode 503. Which unfortunately probably won't air till like the beginning of February, but still interesting nonetheless.

Oh how I've missed my Hoes!

Scene 26: Setting is "River House" early evening. The owner is showing Brooke this humongous house. Brooke admires the furniture and everything about it. She states that she wants the house. The woman is surprised. Brooke says that she will throw in an extra 100,000 if she can be gone in an hour. The woman picks up her cat and says, "Enjoy your house." Then she stops and asks, 'Did you want the cat too?" Brooke says no. The woman smiles and says that there is a roast in the oven. Brooke says that she likes roast.

Scene 38: Brooke's new house. Brooke is showing Peyton around the spacious home. Brooke asks Peyton if she likes it. Peyton is amazed, and Brooke says that's good because there is a room downstairs for her. Peyton is stunned. Just then, she gets a text message and says she has to hurry to Tric, and they'll celebrate when she gets back.

So Brooke bought a house complete with a Peyton Room? Cause seriously, what best friends really DO that?! It makes me wonder if the whole reason they're apparently a big estranged come the premiere is because something DID happen with them in the missing four years. Oh I hope that particular gap is filled in nice and smutty like!

But it sounds like they're going right back to living together again. Whee!

oth, breyton

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