(no subject)

May 19, 2005 00:58

So I've been playing around with Paint Shop Pro9 again, this time the full version, which I was fortunate enough to get off of Ebay fairly cheap. And with my femslash ships seemingly whittling down more and more as the tv season progressed, I have to hold close the ones that are left. And really with pictures like the ones below, that just scream Les!Love, who can really blame me, yes?

The only problem with that is I'm HORRIBLE with fanart. I tend to stick to icons which I usually can't screw up too bad. But a wallpaper has 800x600 whole pixels for me to completely destroy.

Having said that, and being the shameless self promoter that I am, here are two walls I made. I haven't made art in over a year probably, so yeah, get those throwing arms ready to launch the tomatoes at me.

Bigger Baby Yeah!

Ohh Clicky!

fanart, breyton

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