I guess patience DOES pay off.

Jan 22, 2010 02:54

I have to admit, I was fully prepared to be completely disappointed in my fairly new obsession that is the Callie/Arizona pairing on Grey's Anatomy. The show was pretty sparing when it came to letting them be physical with each other. Not just intimately physical, but ANY kind of physicality at all.

I was honestly a little concerned that if and/or when they would get to that point, if Sara Ramirez and Jessica Capshaw had the same tremendous chemistry physically that they do emotionally.

I really didn't have anything to be concerned about looks like. Sara and JCap have the sexy down in spades.

Sara especially, who, honestly, kinda surprised me. She's always seemed just a tiny bit hesitant with her female costars, aside from Kate Walsh, who we know she's pretty tight with offscreen. And as much as I ADORE Sara, I was a tiny bit worried when I started shipping Callie/Arizona hardcore.

Whatever I noticed, disappeared after tonight's episode. Hands in the hair, cupping cheeks, smiling through kisses. Twas all very very sexy, and very very natural, from both girls. And I find myself being ridiculously excited for this pairing because of it. They're canon, they get to be physically intimate now, the chemistry is off the charts. And they're on one of the most popular shows on tv. Who knew I could be a conventional shipper? Is this what it feels like? Wow, me likey!

Of course I'm sure by the end of the season Shonda Rhimes will figure out some way to piss me and the entire Callie/Arizona fandom off royally. But I'll enjoy my good times for now.

And I bring proof just in case. Pardon the bad cap quality, I did it quickly, seeing how it's 3am, I didn't mess with the contrasts and lighting of them.


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