not even for some budlight???

Feb 13, 2005 18:32

wow, what a weekend...where to begin??

friday at 7:30 get convincing call to come home
finally got to see napolean dynamite and a whole lot fo teh budweiser commercial. as well as gettin half a brownie sunday free

saturday...well, welcome to teh msot random day of my life
wake at 8 by jae, but i'll take that
spent the morning playin wiht her, then went to see some ths/coyle bball action

escaped that and spent over an hour sittin at AE being glared at by nicoles mgr, lol
did end up with a nice pair of shoes for only 10 bux! suhweet

then came chicken pot pie, and michal making fun of my hair, my eating habits, and bad breath...i killed a giant misquito, then we wen to get bread, where i stood in front of a wall of Campbells soup...WOW!!

after some minor stalkin action, we made our way to sketchy central, and confronted a certain young yerkface...then made our exit in the lexus...biatches!

bak to trucchis, where others partook in some illegal activites, then me nicole jim and chris went joyriding...chris driving, nicole and i shairng the passenger seat, and one man bouncing loosely in the back, LOLOLOL, yeah jim!!

so much random shit ensued, but some of the highlights include:
~~driving to easton while screaming system of a down, but then switching over to spansih station, and screaming pantalones, and cinco cinco cinco
~~at stonehill, we snuck in past the StoCoPo, and passed the stairy scares. we also shouted god-related obscenities out teh window "jesus is a boob man"
~~poor jim in the back with the band equipment: "i've got three boxes jammed up my arse"
~~took pictures with random signs: its all nilzas fault, and loch ness van
~~saw a lot of very sketchy places: behind the hotel, some random industrial park (what kind of people would live here??? people who are arab)...also saw scariest van ever, then saw exhaust coming out and FREAKED, mad scary..."it made me wanna shit myself"
~~had chocolate easter eggs, and ran into cumby's for an emergency handle of mammal (juice)...
~~went to wendys, where chris/vladimir got jipped 2 chicken and nicole ate some extra chiken nuggets and fries...hahahahahahhahah
~~played carriages, but stopped after we realized somebody in big construction equipmetn was watching us
~~drove around quoting napolean dynamite, and went throuhg a closed dunkin donuts drive thru backwards, lolol
~~prank called a bunch of people..."this is mario..."

god, theres so much more random shit, that i cant even begin to recall

it was def one of the best, most random, most fun nights of my life, and if thats all i'd done this weekend, i would have been happy to no end

alas, today came, jae woke me up again, but waited till 9:30 (thank god) and nicole decided that we either did exercise yesterday, or we both ran to china in our dreams...mad exhaustion

hung around, till went to lil cousins 2nd bday party...suprisingly enjoyable... conversed with the adults, adn had a grande time

left there, and came home...jae needed a lil nap, so i sung pheobe's "smelly cat" to her over and over agian till she faded out, if i stopped singing, she'd open her eyes, look at me and just say "more" adorable

now, gonna get some dinner, then head back to school

i had a friggin blast this weekend

i'm glad i came home

"lets try to find the statue of jesus getting head!!"
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