Glorified fact, I'm just a fact checker.

Jan 22, 2010 12:08


Last winner was: ana_leez (Previous winner: br33n)

Its the second week of school and I've already missed Math twice. Yikes. But that means I get a 3-day weekend. Switching my work week to have Sundays off was the best decision ever.

My parents coming up tomorrow too so its going to be a pretty good weekend. Not as good as the 4-day weekend last week when Kylie came up but still good.

I'm pretty sure JET notifications will be coming out next week or so, and my body knows it as its gone into a perpetual state of nervousness and anxiety as I knew it would. Canada got their letters this week. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhimsonervousimsonervousimsonervousimsonervousimsonervousimsonervousimsonervous

I've become much more accepting to idea of going to graduate school if I don't get it in but I still know that if I don't get into JET I'm going to have at least a mini depression. So yeah, look forward to those posts! XD

I finished our first book for Modern Africa, Slave, and well, its scarring time. So, in the book she gets a circumcision but they sewed her completely up leaving just a whole for her to pee and menstruate from, which I wasn't familiar with--the only method I knew was where they remove the clitoris. So me being me, I wanted to find out more about it and I came across pictures of it. I'M WARNING YOU NOW, THIS IS HIGHLY DISTURBING.

THIS picture is of a woman who VOLUNTARILY had the procedure done. alskjdflaskdjfWHY???????????

THIS picture is after surgery. As if vaginas weren't creepy looking enough let's make it look like this!


So, I needed others to have to see that. haha

Today I have a lot I have to get done. I really just want to do nothing but the house is such a mess. And its basically all mine because I've been a slob since we got back. Also have to get my paper ready to submit for the History Conference. And work on my thesis. And get schedules and stuff done. BLAH.

This post is so boring. And I feel super gross and lard-filled today. Do you ever think you look really cute in something and then you catch yourself in a mirror sometime throughout the day and are just so disgusted that you went out like that? That was me yesterday so now I've kept with that theme. lol

dead, gross, japan, weekend, class

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