my drama

Aug 10, 2005 19:26

So I have TMJ. My jaw is locked into a certain place and it FUCKING SUCKS!!!!!!!

They gave me a Rx for Ativan, which just tickles me silly because that's the drug that we give to the crazy people when they're acting up. It's also a muscle relaxant, but it's not really working that well.

Well, let me back up a little, shall I? I work up yesterday morning and the L side of my jaw was swollen, and I couldn't open my mouth all the way. But after sitting up for a little while, it went away. This morning, it didn't.

I couldn't open my mouth, and I was so scared. I woke up Justin because I was crying in the shower and it scared the shit out of him. So I finished showering and got dressed and went to the ER. The doctor came in finally (actually, I didn't have to wait that long), and it prodded my jaw and palpated it, and it didn't hurt a bit. Then he got a tongue depressor and tried to pry my jaw open, and I told him to stop, please don't do that, and he didn't stop and I started crying and bit down on the blade.

No matter what, home-fry, my jaw is stronger than your pathetic little tongue blade.

I finally pulled it out of my mouth--still crying--and he decided to give me the Ativan. Not just because of the muslce relaxant properties, but because it would probably calm me down.

I have seen SO many pt's take Ativan--willingly or not--and I've never known what it really feels like. Now I do. I laughed and the nurse and I put the handrail up on the bed so I didn't fall out, and it was Justin's job to catch me if I went over the left side.

So we went back to the apartment, got my other Rx, took both to the pharmacy, dropped them off, went to the Nationwide office, where the lady who handles my account told me that she also has tmj, and the way she fixes it is to massage the jaw, move it from side to side, and then snap it open. It hurts some, but it makes it feel so much better.

I think I'll wait for the dentist to do that. I got the earliest possible appointment tomorrow at 3 pm, and after Iget there, he can do what he wants. I trust Dr. Saliday--and I NEVER trust dentists. I have total confidence in his abilities, and if he wants to have me take some nitro to relax me and then pop my jaw, then so be it. As long as Justin can hold my hand.

This is going to be the best diet I've ever been on, besides getting my tongue pierced. I can't chew comfortably. I know that what I have to to is pull my jaw down and out, that will more than likely fix the problem, but I just can't do it. I don't want to end up in the ER. Like I said, I'm waiting on the dentist.

Why does shit like this have to keep happening to us? I mean, I know it's life, but what happened to ever getting a break once in a while from the horrible, bad things that are happening to me? Dr. Chodo is trying to say that I have a mood disorder that I tested NEGATIVE for, and she wants to try and take my special medicine away. Um, I don't THINK so. That medicine keeps my hair from falling out, keeps my periods from killing me, and keeps a lot of other things in order. So there's NO way she's going to take it away from me. I have to have a follow-up appointment every 3-4 months, so if I just went in August, I have to go again in December. I'll be going to a different doctor in that office, not the dumb bitch.

Anyway, my crab cake sub just got here ... I can't eat the bread, but I can mush the crab cake with my tongue and eat it that way. So I will talk to you all later.
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