Curse your sudden but inevitable Betrayal!

May 19, 2006 22:50

Brace for the fangirl squee.

I went to the bookstore today with the intent of picking up a book that I had ordered last Sunday. I had also just received a bunch of birthday money, and decided to browse the sci-fi section. Or, more specifically, the Star Wars section.

That's when I saw it. Betrayal, slated for release on May 30th. Sitting on the shelf ELEVEN. FRAKKING. DAYS. EARLY. In all it's shockingly bad CG cover glory.*

So I bought it, of course. Yep, I snagged that sucker off the shelf before an employee would realize their mistake. And I could barely contain myself.

I want to read it. Never mind that I haven't read nine books of the NJO, or any of the Dark Nest trilogy. Never mind that I promised myself that at least I had to read Traitor before I read Betrayal. I suppose I could read the chronology to get up to speed, but I'm not sure if I want the NJO and Dark Nest totally spoiled. Oh what is a fangirl to do?

In other news, Battlestar Galactica is the best show on television. I've seen five episodes and I am absolutely convinced.

* I say this because A) it looks awful, and B) Jacen (pictured on the cover) is supposed to be thirty at the time of the book. He looks about fourteen on the cover.

legacy of the force, betrayal, star wars

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