Apr 04, 2004 19:06
I don't know what to do... I like Chad and Jon. They are both great guys. I can't find any problems with either of them. Lately I have been hanging out with Chad and I have been having a great time. He is fun to be around and I like hanging out with him. I think I would be happy with him.
But at the same time, I think I would also be happy with Jon. I have never had to choose between two guys who would both treat me the way I feel I should be treated. I was talking to Katie and she told me that I need to sit down and try to figure out who would "really love me." The problem is that they both would, so I can't choose between them just based on that.
There is also another problem that has been making this so difficult. I was writing back and forth with Jenny M a couple days ago and we were talking about my situation.... and I realized I want a guy who is like my dad.... Mr. Fix-It man lol... A guy who can fix a leak or can look under the hood of a car and can tell what is wrong with it... A guy who likes to be outside, hunt, fish, or whatever. The thing with me is I usually end up approaching a situation wondering how it will turn out in the future. So I keep picturing in my head the type of guy I'm looking for and then I think of Chad and Jon. And I think... If I were to marry one of these guys, which one would be what I am looking for... (I told you that I think far ahead)... The thing is... I REALLY REALLY like both Chad and Jon... but I don't know if either of them are the "type" I am looking for... but at the same time... I really want to be with both of them and I know in the long run I would be happy growing old with one of them... But I have no idea which one. And I am scared to choose. I don't want to choose one now and in the future wish I had chose the other. And I don't want to choose one and hurt the other. I really don't know what to do. I know I'm only 18 and I shouldn't be worrying about it, but I feel like choosing one of these guys is like one of those "life long decisions." And I feel like if I choose the wrong one that I will be screwing things up.... But which one is the right one? I wish I knew....
I didn't write this asking for advice. I'm not looking for replies on this one. I was just trying to put my thoughts down... But if you feel like you can help, go ahead and reply.