Bored... again....

Mar 30, 2004 12:27

1. Nicknames: Jen, Jenny, Jenny B, Jeenibe
2. Birthdate: 12-27-85
3. Age: 18
4. Sex: female
5. Social Security No: 123-45-6789..... and no that is NOT really my SSN
6. Where do you live? Burton
7. What school do you attend? Bentley
8. Siblings and their ages? Amy, 21
9. Pets: I filled this out on another one of these things.... If you want to know, look at that one :P
10. Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
11. Righty or Lefty: Righty
********YOUR LOOKS*********
12. Hair color: Brown
13. Eye color: Brown
14. Height: 5'5? 5'6?... eh.... somewhere in there
15. Do u wear contacts or glasses? Neither
16. Do you have any piercings? Yes, ears.. 4 in right, 5 in left
17. Where do you want more if you do? Sure... maybe my belly button after I quit being lazy and do some sit-ups... loose the belly
18. Do you have a tattoo? Yep
19. If so what and where: Baby dragon on the top of my left thigh
20. Do you wear any rings? Yep, my class ring, a mood ring, a ring I got from my parents for my most recent b-day, and a ring I got from my friend Julie... like... 4 or 6 years ago.... I forget
21. Do you have a certain fashion you follow? Is it clean? Is it comfy? Then wear it...

**********JUST LATELY***************
23. How are you today? Bored... and feelin purty lazy
24. What pants are you wearing right now? Blue PJ pants with rubber duckys and bubbles on them :D
25. What shirt are you wearing right now? My class T-Shirt
26. What underwear are you wearing right now? Underwear? Who wears underwear anymore these days?!.... JKJKJKJKJK lol umm they are white with little black flowers if you must know
27. What does your hair look like at the moment? Not good... just rolled out of bed like 30 min ago, went in the bathroom and threw my hair up in a pony tail... I need a shower...
28. What song are u listening to right now? Nothing, But I do hear the TV in the other room
29. What was the last thing u ate? I am currently eating left over pizza 
30. How is the weather right now? Purty nice actually, its in the 50'sish, little chilly though.... but nice...
31. Last person u talked to on the phone: Tonie 
32. Last Dream you can remember: I was at a resturant with my sis, my mom, and my dad. There was suppose to be tornados in that area soon so everyone at the resturant was suppose to be going to this shelter before the tornados got there. We were waiting for the owner of the resturant to come on the loud speaker to let us know when we could all leave. Well the owner came on the speaker very calmly and said, "It's still going to be a little while before we can leave so just sit tight and enjoy til we can leave." Everyone in the resturant was very calm, no worries at all.... I looked out the window and I seen a HUGE tornado right outside the window. There was a big white truck in the parking lot... The tornado started spinning the truck and it came in throught the wall of the resturant and kept spinning. My dad, who was EXTREMELY calm (very unbelieveably calm), told my sister and I to get on the floor and lay on our stomachs and cover our heads... After I layed on the floor, I woke up... I have weird dreams....
33.Who are you talking to right now? You silly :D
34.What time is it? 12:43 pm

************More about YOU!*****************
35. What are the last four digits of your phone number? Home: 7021 Cell: 0505
36. If u were a crayon, what color would u want to be? Maybe a sky blue, or a cyan....
37. Have you ever almost died? I used to be purty accident prone... But I never hurt myself bad enough that I almost died.... I've wanted to kill a few people before.... does that count? :P
38. Do u like the person that sent u this? Well no one SENT it to me... I stole it from Chad's journal.... So if the question is, "Do you like Chad, the person you stole this from?" Then yes, I like Chad :P 
39. How do u eat an Oreo: Usually split the cookie, eat the frosting stuff, then dip the cookies in milk.... Sometimes, I'll split the cookie, then take the frosting off and set it aside so I can eat it last.... I'm very weird.
40. What makes u happy? Being around my friends
41. What's the next CD you are going to buy? I think I want Nora Jones first CD, Shinedown, Hoobastank's new one.... there are SO many more
42. What religion/denomination are you? Well I was baptised Catholic... but never went to a Catholic church.... I am Christian, but I don't have a denomination.
43. What's the best advice ever given to you? OMG Chad I love you!!!  I also think Ferris Bueller's day off gave me the best advice..... "Life moves pretty fast, if you stop and look around once and awhile, you might miss it."
44. Have u ever won any special awards? Just stuff at school for grades and that, got a letter for drama... I dont know if that is a special award though....
45. What are your future goals? Go to college, Find out WHAT I'm going to college for in the first place, become famous.... somehow.... even if I have to bungie jump NAKED to be famous.... A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do ;)...... but more realisticly.... get married one day, have a purty house, maybe have kids... haven't decided on that one for sure yet 
46. Do u like to dance? All the time! :D.... That doesn't mean I CAN dance... but I like to try :D
47. Worst sickness u ever had? Hmm... Chicken Pox sucked ass...... tonselitis.... I have NO idea how to spell that..... but it sucked anyhow... Had to get my tonsels removed becuz of it.... damn useless things anyways
48. What's the stupidest thing u ever done? Well I don't think this is the STUPIDEST thing... but it does kind of stick out... in first grade at the elementary, I jumped off of the big wall of tires... most of you know what tire wall I'm talking about.... well yea... I broke my leg jumping off of that thing.... But it was kinda funny when I got home... I told my mom I FELL from the top cuz I thought I would have got introuble for jumping :P lol 
49. What's your favorite memory? I have a lot.... But the most recent was Alex's birthday party
50. If u could change one thing about yourself what would it be? I have more then one.... I would make my self more motivated to do them damn sit-ups... lol.... I would make myself have more patience... I would make my temper not get lost so easily.... eh.... 
51. Where do you shop the most? Well if I had the money... ALL my clothes would come from Hot Topic... But... Mostly my T-Shirts come from Hot Topic, my dressier shirts come from Deb... and I order my pants from either Alloy or Girlfriends magazine
52. How many kids do you want to have? Two... boy first, then girl.... if they don't come out that way and in that order, I'm sending them back til they change :P lmao 
53. Son's name? Dominic, or Jake maybe
54. Daughter's? Jordan or Audrey
55. Do you do drugs? No
56. Do you drink? No
57. What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use? Aussie Real Volume
58. What sport do you hate the most? I agree with Chad... Golf is FRICKIN boring.... I don't really care for hockey either... hockey is only fun to watch if there is a fight....
59. What are you most scared of? death
60. How many TV's do you have in your house? 4
61. Do you have your own phone line? I have a phone in my room... and a cell phone... but not my own line
62. Do you sleep with a stuffed animals? No... but if a sexy guy was to buy me one... I'd sleep with it ;)
64. Have you ever broken/sprained/fractered a bone: Yep... leg
65. Who do you dream about? Everyone I know.... I've even had a dream that Tiffany See was in.....ewwwwww
66. Who do you tell your dreams too? Depends on who was in the dream and what happened
67. Who's the loudest friend you have: Well Jenny M I think.... when ever she is talking about someone who she doesn't like... she is SO LOUD... She does NOT know how to whisper.... Tim MacGowan is quite loud also.....
68. Who's the quietest friend: Tonie... she's not quiet as in shy.... she's quiet as in... well.... quiet

*************YOU and LOVE************************
72. Do you believe in Love? yes
73. Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? nope... neither lol
74. Do you have a crush? yes
75. Who is your crush? I'm not tellin cuz I dont have to! so HA
76. Did you send this to your crush? Not really... But he might read this...
77. Do you believe in Love at first sight? yes
78. Where would you like to go on your honeymoon? France... Nice especially... :D and Normandy! :D
79. What song do you want played at your wedding? maybe Really Love A Woman by... umm... Brian Adams I think....
80. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Eyes and Smile
81. Longest crush: ummm I think it's about 8 years.... "Eight years, Eight years, That's how long I've wasted on him...." lol sry... Musical is starting to get to me lol 
81. Are you too shy to ask someone out? Not really, depends on who they are and if I know they like me
82. God? Yes
83. Satan? Well if you believe in God, you believe in Satan... packaged deal
84. Heaven? Yes
85. Hell? Yes
86. Jesus? Yes
87. Religion? Yes? I dont know if I quite understand the question... Do I have a religion? Yes 
88. Yourself? No... not really
89. Karma? Not positive if I fully know what it is
90. Reincarnation? Yea I kinda do believe in it
91. Life after death? Yea
93. Soul Mates? Yes... but I also believe you may have more than one... eh...
94. Miracles? I havent received one... but others have... so yes 
95. Magic? Not positive on that one
96. Witches? Yes.... they ARE real... they don't fly around on brooms or anything, and they are not green with warts on their face... but real they are.
97. Ghosts? Yes
98. Monsters Under the Bed? No.... but I bet there are dustbunnies under there :P
99. Vampires? Maybe... It'd be cool to be one... Vampires are sexy ;)
100. The Living Dead? No
101. Aliens? Yes
102. Angels? Yes
103. Harry Potter? Harry Potter! Kickass!
104. The Tooth Fairy? Maybe... It's a good living if you think about it... Give some fairy your tooth and get paid for it? Hell why not
105. The Easter Bunny? I was always worried that the damn bunny would hide an egg that my sister and I couldn't find... then the house would begin to smell like rotten eggs... ewwww
106. Santa Claus? Tell me this.... Would YOU believe in an old man who likes little kids sitting on his lap....?..... Think about it...

******ON GIRLS FOR GUYS TO FILL OUT (for guys only)********
107. Regular underwear or thong:
108. Painted nails or not:
109. Regular or sports bra:
110. Bra straps showing or not:
111. Cute n' mysterious or wild n' sexy: 
113. Dark or blonde hair:
114. Long or short hair: 
115. Curly or straight hair: 
116. Dark, light, or crazy cool eyes: 
117. Long or short nails: 
118. Hat or no hat: 
119. Good or bad girl: 
120. Hair up or down:
121. Jewelry or none: 
122. Tall or short: 
124. Accent or no accent: 
125. Pants or dress: 
126. Tan or fair:
127. Glasses: 
128. Pretty: 
129. Freckles or none:
130. Shy or outgoing: 
131. Funny or always cool: 
132. talkitive or shy:

******GIRLS ON GUYS (girls only)********
107. boxers or briefs: BOXERS BOXERS
108. baggy pants or straight: Eh... I always thought the "gansta" lool with the pants hanging off the ass was stupid... as long as the ass is covered... I don't care.
110. boxers showing or not: a little is ok... but like I said... I don't want to see the whole ass
111. Cute n' mysterious or wild n' sexy: Cute n' mysterious... 
113. Dark or blonde hair:  Eh...
114. Long or short hair: Depends on the person's face... some guys look good with long hair, others don't...
115. Curly or straight hair: Eh... same as above
116. Dark, light, or crazy cool eyes: I like dark... but any is good as long as they interest me
117. Long or short nails: well guys with really long nails is scary....
118. Hat or no hat: doesn't matter
119. Good or bad boy: Used to be that I looked for the "bad guy".. Now I'm lookin for a good one :D
120. Hair with gel or without: Depends
121. Jewelry or none: Jewelry is ok..... but I dont want to be blinded by "bling bling"
122. Tall or short: He has to be at least my height or taller
124. Accent or no accent: Accents are cool.... Have you ever seen While You Were Out? Andrew... the carpenter.... oohhh baby.... now THAT is a sexy sexy man with a nice Australian accent...
126. Tan or fair: As long as they don't look like a ghost
127. Glasses: Don't matter
129. Freckles or none: Don't matter
130. Shy or outgoing: Shy is cute, But too shy is boring.... outgoing is fun if they are not psycho
131. funny or always cool: Both.... especially funny
132. talkitive or shy: talkitive.... I hate sitting on the phone with nothing to talk about

****************Your FAVS*******************
157. Color: Purple, Blue, Black, Red, Some green
158. Food: Spaguetti
159. Fast Food: Depends on my mood
160. Candy: 100 Grand
161. Beverage: Water or Coke
162. Ice Cream Flavor: Superman, Cookies and Cream, or Mint Chocolate Chip
163. Animal: Wolf, Dragon, Monkey, White Tiger
164. Fave type of music? Everything
165. Radio Station: 101.5, 103.1, 103.9, 96.1, 95.1, 98.1, 107.9, 93.7 and 105.5 or 102.5 if the song is good  
166. Song: Right now... this VERY second.... Shinedown: 45
167. Band: Too many to name
168. Number: 13
169. Fav. Actor or Actress? Julia Styles, Julia Roberts, Meg Ryan, that one chick from Sweet November, Sandra Bullock
170. Fav. day of the year? 4th of July, Thanksgiving, New Years, Christmas Eve
171. Fav. month? somewhere from Aug-Oct.... I love the Fall
172. TV Show: Trading Spaces, While You Were Out, Monster House, Family Guy, Everybody Loves Raymond
173. Store: Hot Topic or music store
174. Scent: Brownies
175. Teacher: Mrs. Powell, Mr. Tucker, Mr. Gay
176. Board Game: I don't play too many board games anymore... always liked checkers though.... I'm more of a Euchre type of gal
177. Saying: "Live moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HAve you EVER~~~~~~~
178. Loved someone soo much it makes you cry? Yes
179. Smoked? yes
180. Drank? yes
181. Ever gotten dumped? Yes
182. Broke the law? yea... smoked, underage drinking.... eh... nothing big though
183. Ran from the cops? No
185. Stole something? I used to take a piece of candy from Kessels when they had that "bag your own candy" thing 
186. Tried to kill yourself? no... thought about it 
187. Made yourself throw up? You know what.... one time I felt SO sick to my stomach... I thought, "well if I make myself throw up, maybe I'd feel better" yea I tried and failed... lol.... even when I WANT to throw up I can't
188. Been in love? Yea
189. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? lol Yea.... but did it work?

**********On a FiNal NoTe******************
190. Do you like filling these out? No... actually I almost hate it
191. How many people are you sending this to? Whoever reads my journal
192. Do u want your friends to write back? ok?
193. Who is least likely to respond? ok?
194. Who is most likely to respond?: ok?
195. What first comes to mind: I should go take a shower 
196. Other comments: I'm tired....
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