Myrtle, DC, NYC, Busch: Spontaneity is key.

Apr 25, 2007 21:32

Right now I feel like crawling into bed, but since it's 9:30 and that'd be lame, I shall update you on the random yet amazing week I had last week. Thursday I attended the Plain White T's show on campus with some friends and it was great. I have pics but I think I'm too lazy to post them right now, we'll see at the end. After that, Carly and I boogied down to Myrtle Beach to see one of my favorite bands, Brand New, play. I've been wanting to see them for three years, but they're always sold out! So I bought the tix, made the trek, and it was great. They have this stage presence that they don't even have to work for and their music.. well it speaks for itself. It was definitely worth the 6 hours spent in the car and the $100 spent on gas and tickets.

After school (still student teaching) Friday, Carly and I drove up to Washington, D.C. to visit my baby Alex and her (ex) friend Corey. We got there around 11 because we got a little lost... We picked up Alex, visited Corey and Somer for all of about 10 seconds, and then Alex gets a call from his friend asking if he wants to hop on a bus to NYC in a couple of hours. We decide to go for it, and by 6 in the morning we were in New York. We had to head back around 1, so we made the most of our time. We visited Times Square, Central Park, Ground Zero, the Statue, Chinatown, and Little Italy all in about 7 hours. It was a whirlwind visit made on little sleep, but it was a great experience. From attempting to hunt down fake IDs (for the others) to haggling with a Chinese man over some herbs for Alex's upset tummy, it was definitely something I'll always remember.

We got back to DC around 6 and Alex had a "ball" to attend. Rich kids, they have all sorts of frivolous things to spend their time and money on. :P So Carly and I bid farewell to him and decided to wander around the city by ourselves. Surprisingly, we did remarkably well. We ate at this great restaurant Alex had taken me to once, had some "bubble tea" (I wasn't a fan), and navigated the city in Carl's car to the various monuments and memorials. We rolled out around 10 and headed to Williamsburg, VA where her mom stays.

Sunday afternoon I make the comment "Too bad Busch Gardens isn't open." And Carly enlightens me that, actually, it is! So, with 3 hours before the park closes, we go and buy season passes. I don't imagine I'll get to visit it more than once or twice again this summer, but it was only $54 so I can't complain. I hadn't been to Busch since I was 12, so I was eggcited. And I hadn't ridden anything since October. Since it was a Sunday early in the season, the longest wait was 15 minutes for Apollo's Chariot, which was AMAZING, by the way. I got to ride all the coasters plus a couple of other rides so I'd say it was a very productive 2 1/2 hours.

And now I'm just counting the days until graduation. Yeah it's a little scary but it's exciting at the same time. I'm ready to be back at Cedar Point or just making money in general. After October I don't know where my life will go... Somewhere random yet exhilirating I'm sure. Who knows?
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