Tonight has been fully of wtf-ness. For serious.
This has basically been one long-ass, random, strange day. It started at 9 am with a production lab at the Homer campus, walked back to our original campus for the 1 pm class. Had to go BACK to the Homer campus for rep dinner and then BACK to the other campus for accounting after dinner. Here's where things get a bit crazy. I finish accounting only to realize I didn't have my keys in my bag, so I call Brit to see if I left them at her apartment (I stayed the night at her place because it is way closer to the Homer campus than my apartment). Brit confirmed that the kes were on the counter under a stack of papers so I high-trekked it over (with my backpack, computer, and purse). Get my keys and decide to roll the dice and drive back to my place even though I wasn't sure if I still had my parking spot (I only paid for the first 6 months of parking space and I have been storing my car at Brit's apartment). ANYWAY I get to my apartment and find out that my parking spot is now occupied, meaning, I HAVE NO WHERE TO PAR MY CAR! Called Brittany back and said I needed to go back to park my car but I was going to drop my stuff off in my apartment first.
Here's where things get crazy...
Get into my apartment and notice there are a few new items like a fan and a rug for the bathroom. I set my stuff on my bed and my roommate's door opens. It's my roommate's friend, Ryan, who I've met on several occasions and hung out with a time or two. He then goes, "I have an announcement."
Me: "Uh, okay. What's going on."
Him: "I sent Nichole (my roommate) home for the summer to get better and I've moved in."
Me: Stunned silence.
Him: "She just really needed to get better and being in Vancouver was not helping."
Me: "Uh, okay, well I guess I'm okay with that." (in my head I was thinking, "Didn't really leave me with a choice now, did you")
Note, this is the roommate from the
infamous Shingles episode. So basically sometime over the weekend, Nicole moved out and went home to Ontario and Ryan *the friend and new roommate* moved in.
So in short, this has been the most random, wtf night, EVER. I'm off to take a shower and attempt to tackle some homework.
Edit: Ryan just came out of the room to tell my that Nicole is still here but will be moving out on the 12th