Queer fic recs!

Jul 26, 2013 16:05

ionthesparrow asked on Twitter for fic recs that specifically address queer issues. I started to do a linkdump over e-mail, but then decided to post the list publicly instead, because I bet some of you would be interested. These are mostly bandom fics with a few hockey RPF, one Sherlock, and one Glee.

Coming out

So, So Fucked by reni_days (bandom)
Fun, silly comedy-of-errors-type fic about accidentally coming out on national TV. There's a podfic by paraka, for those who prefer to listen.

Rumor Has It by gyzym (Glee)
From the author: So this is the story of how it could have gone for Santana, of how I think it would have gone for Santana, in the aftermath of what happened in “Mash-Off.” This is the story of high school and what happened after; this is the story of a girl growing up and figuring it out.

Love in Fast Forward by ionthesparrow (hockey RPF)
This one isn't going to be too helpful for the original request given that the author is the one looking for recs, but this is my recslist and I'm putting fics I like on it, so there. This fic is the most realistic take I've read on how it would probably go down if an NHL player were actually gay.

Being closeted

young punks takin' shots, strippin' down to dirty socks by hanet (hockey RPF)
Sam Gagner on the subjects of gaydar, the carelessness of Nail Yakupov, and the idiocy of the rest of their team.

we hid in catacombs by oflights (hockey RPF)
Ugh, this is one of my favorite fics in hockey fandom. It feels like it wasn't written, it was crafted.

Orientation & identity

Subcategory: religion

Unholyverse by bexless (bandom)
Gerard is a priest. Frank might be a tiiiiny bit possessed. There's a podfic by letsgofriday of the first fic in the series.

Ain't Nobody Gonna Love You Like The Devil Do by dear_monday (bandom)
Frank is a good Catholic boy. Gerard helps him out with that problem. Podfic by reena_jenkins.

Catholic!Frank and Artist!Gerard Not!Fic by Sena (bandom)
Calling this not!fic is sort of like applying that label to Nightswimming. It is so much more than you think of when you think "not!fic." Podfic by podcath.

Subcategory: kink

BDSM 201: Practical Applications by littlemousling (bandom)
One of my favorite fics about discovering kink and the kink community.

Indecorous by Basingstoke (Sherlock)
Wonderful fic about kink, poly, asexuality, sex-positivity, all kinds of good queer-relevant stuff.

Tell me to stop by airgiodslv (bandom)
The one where Brendon gives Spencer kink lessons. There's a podfic of this by klb, and I think crazybutsound did one too but I can't find it.

Amateur Cartography by fictionalaspect (bandom)
Lovely longfic about nonsexual kink eventually turning sexual.

Subcategory: gender

Heart Wrapped In Clover by Sena (bandom)
Really, really amazingly well-done genderqueer Mikey. Podfic by knight_tracer.

Bad Weather Friend series by frausorge (bandom)
Dissociative identity disorder fic wherein one of Pete's personalities is female.

Metasocial commentary

the show goes on by hazel (hockey RPF)
I asked Z for Tazer the office drone and Kaner the mailboy, and she churned out this fucking unbelievable little beauty. It's in its own little section here because it's really only about queer issues in the context of reality--but in that context, that's clearly what it's about.

This entry was originally posted at http://jedusaur.dreamwidth.org/88772.html.


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