Aaaaand having just written a post about how pack feels are not my thing, I seem to have incorporated them as a plot point in my latest fic. *hands* I should probably learn to not make sweeping statements like that. It just begs the universe to make me contradict myself.
In highly related news: the hockey/TW crossover fic has blasted past the 10k mark, and is on track to end up at 15-18k. If this fic (wherein I slash Patrick Kane and Derek Hale in all seriousness) turns out to beat out "sing it for the n00bs" as my longest fic to date, I will laugh and laugh and possibly cry. But hey, I wrote over six thousand words today, if you count 2:20am as still being today. That is a lot of words for one day, at least for me. It's good to have my muse back. Even if it's forcing me to pour all my srsbzns Kaner characterization into a fic no one will ever read because it is not even a rare pairing, it is a nonexistent pairing, and also a pairing that should be crack that I am not writing as crack. Still. I'm writing, and that's more than I've been able to say in a while, and it feels really good.
(I guess the actual breaking of the writer's-block barrier was the TW fic I posted last week, which also kind of made me sob-laugh by earning meeeelyuns of hits and some very sweet comments indicating that, like, one reader who was not actively following my Twitter feed where I was talking about it actually picked up on what it was intended to be about. No one ~~understands~~ my ~~artistry~~ D: subversion is hard.)
I'm not doing NaNoWriMo, by the way. Because I don't have time to write this month, you see. *eyeroll at self*
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