This picture is basically the embodiment of The White Parade, the fic that is the reason I'm posting this picspam. It didn't inspire the idea, but when I saw it halfway through working on the fic, I immediately recognized the Mikey I was writing. Look at this picture after reading the fic and hopefully, if I've done my job right, you'll know what I mean.
He's such a serial killer he's got mugshots.
Look at those eyes. Look at them. Here, I'll zoom in for you:
Serial killer eyes. (Also, either he just fell into a vat of vegetable oil or his hair hasn't been washed in weeks. Ew.)
Jesus, what a glare.
This is a recent one by
this photographer, who has done some other awesome stuff and is entertaining on Twitter.
He's not just a serial killer, he's a serial killer from the Mafia.
I seriously have no idea how he can look that scary in that jacket and that ridiculous hat, with his glasses blocking his eyes. But I'm scared.
Fucking freaky lurking plotting china doll gahhhhhh.
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