Feb 18, 2006 14:35
its funny how life works.. some times friends are all you need and other times..u wish you were dieing just to come up with a reason as to why you feel so horable.. but it never happens. friends just do horable things to oneanother and your left to deal...well im done dealing..sick of putting up with it. ..i am finished. because ontop of that..you cant find the one that makes you laugh..the one who loves you nomatter what and isnt one of those friends that so often do the backstabing... you just wish you could find the guy and have the friends...will it ever happen....probably not..but ill keep wishing..
peopole never leave comments anymore.. leave frikin myspace alone for a min and look around to see how your friends lifes are going..how much others have changed..because things people post in livejournal are just from one person...not comments or any thing like that..its just from the hart....myspace is good to but come on dont you feal bad for livejournal..
if no one comments anymore im going to stop posting....
is this the end...