I Can't Has A Nader?

Nov 06, 2008 04:43

I stand by the man. He's absolutely right. It makes my heart shrivel that people would small-mindedly decide to take issue with his semantics rather than address the truth he is speaking. I hope Obama is up for the challenge, but ( Read more... )

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frommynoggin November 6 2008, 20:15:52 UTC
People are lazy and self-serving, Jed.

It's really easy for people to "react" to a buzzword/phrase like "Uncle Tom" according to the script provided by their peer group. We all *know* it's wrong to say such a thing, regardless of context, and it makes people feel good about themselves to prove that they're progressive enough to to be outraged.

On the other hand, people's paradigm-driven sensibilities are shattered by actually listening to the more complicated concepts that followed Nader's "Uncle Tom" utterance, because those fundamental truths (the corporatist agenda promoted by BOTH political parties INCLUDING Obama) make them feel bad about themselves for allowing it all to happen under their watch, and for allowing themselves to be hoodwinked into thinking that a choice between McCain and Obama is a real choice.

And that's NOT to say that there are NO differences between two, but when you talk about the things that really matter, Obama is just more of the same:

*Voting to renew the Patriot Act

*Backing the FISA Reform Act (giving the Telecoms a "get out of jail free" card for helping the government stamp all over our constitutional rights)

*Support of the Death Penalty

*Policy of INCREASING troop levels and expanding the war in Afghanistan

*Backing the Massive Wealth Redistribution Swindle originally known as "The Bailout", then changed to "The Rescue"

*Allowing Israel to continue to wag the dog (read about the soon-to-be White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel's overwhelming support of BOTH Iraq wars)

*And most importantly, a refusal to acknowledge that the fundamental driving factor behind almost every single bad thing that happens in this country and the world is the fractional reserve banking system and the PRIVATELY OWNED CORPORATIONS known as Central Banks (the Federal Reserve)

People don't want to think about THIS stuff, because like I said, it makes them realize that they don't really have a choice, except to decide which flavor of corporate imperialism will be pushing the buttons that blow off the arms of innocent children, in areas of the world that happen to have oil, or heroine-producing poppy, or would just make a terrific spot for a pipeline.

It's easier to just stay on script, and get mad about the "Uncle Tom" stuff.

Keep voting for these fuckers and we'll NEVER get to a point where a 3rd, or 4th, or hell, even a 5th party candidate is a viable option.

Keep saying things like "A vote for Nader is a wasted vote". After all, THAT'S in the script, too.



d jedophile November 6 2008, 20:51:44 UTC
fuckin' a right.


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