Late-Night Caffeination

Sep 28, 2011 05:52

Seems I always wind up posting here when it's late and I'm caffeinated. Hmm.

This week is busy busy busy. Our course load was kind enough to ease off a little bit (having two mornings off from Cardio in a week is like Christmas for med students), but everything else is kind of conspiring to keep me doing said school work at odd hours of the night.

All I have to say is, thank goodness for 5 Hour Energy. Amanda and I picked up a 24 pack for $35 at Costco before the school year, and it's one of the best investments I've ever made.

Anyway, I'm hoping to have a loaner car from the body shop ready by this weekend (what, I didn't mention I was in a car accident? Sheesh, gotta update here more often), so that I can make it out to the nice end of LA to officiate Matt and orelle_peredhil's wedding. Orelle, if you're reading this, I've got a (much improved) second draft of my sermon almost ready for you. I think you're going to like it even better. =)

Also, we have mice. Apparently living in the fridge. Awesome.

What else... seriously, I keep promising to post here more. Maybe that'll happen one of these days. In the meantime... I'm busy but well, Amanda is doing well, we are building something wonderful after a couple of rough months, and the puppies are as lively as ever (and managed to behave wonderfully at a barbecue we brought them to tonight).

Oh, also, I'm rocking out to this. You should, too.

image Click to view

Heck yes Expendables offical music video!

caffeine, the lady, relationships, music, driving, busy, med school

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