Ah... Summer.

Jun 26, 2011 02:32

 So!  Adventurous first couple weeks of summer here.  The recap:

Ben came down, and we drove down to San Diego to see Switchfoot.  Thoroughly enjoyed the concert, and the chance to hang out with the Fahy cousins down there.  Switchfoot always puts on a great show, and this was no exception.  I particularly enjoyed "Free", which ended with a spotlight on the lead guitarist, wrapped up in a solo, remaining constant while red and white lights flashed over the rest of the band in the background, with Jon banging on a huge drum.  Pretty intense, pretty cool.  They also played a few tunes from their soon-to-be-released Vice Verses, which I'm very much looking forward to.

Of course, one of my favorite bands wasn't enough, so we turned around and went to the U2 concert at Angels Stadium the next day.  Amanda, Ben and I were all really excited.  A lot happened, so we're on to bullet points:

  • While I'm appalled and embarrassed by "You're All Going to Hell" protesters in any context... why are you protesting at a concert for a band that endorses Christianity as much as U2 does?  I mean, at least find a Marilyn Manson concert or something...
  • Lenny Kravitz opened.  Apparently, Amanda and I like Lenny Kravitz.  Who knew?
  • The stage structure was very weird- like a giant spaceship or something.  It did all kinds of crazy/amazing/surprising/oh-my-God-what-the-heck-was-that things throughout the show, which was fun.
  • I am really not familiar with their early (i.e. pre-2000) stuff aside from Joshua Tree and some assorted singles, which is a shame.  Took three or four songs before they played something I knew.  /facepalm
  • Amanda was glowing throughout the whole thing.  She hadn't really been to a lot of concerts before she met me.  I guess I'm spoiling her.  ;)
  • I nearly exploded multiple times, such as when they started playing Beautiful Day and Where the Streets Have No Name.  I love this band.
  • They closed out the encore with Moment of Surrender.  Unconventional, but awesome.  I'm getting more and more fond of that song.

After a long, frustrating, obnoxious, complicated process, Amanda and I finally found a place to live next year.  We'll be moving into a little duplex that just happens to be about three houses down from my current place.  It's bitty, and we're getting creative with fitting everything in there- we have graph paper cutouts of our furniture that we keep rearranging on drawings of the rooms- but we're excited.

Finally, this picture comes with a long story (which isn't actually over and will probably have its own post at some point), but I just wanted to share something Amanda and I have been waiting a long time for...

concerts, the lady, transitions, music, moving

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