Why I'm Scarce

Dec 21, 2010 19:14

 All right.  I know I've been quiet here the last couple weeks.  It's because I've been very, very busy.  A brief summary:

  • Performed in a Christmas play for foster kids in Pomona (I was a Jack-in-the-Box who was afraid of the dark).
  • Had my final fake patient encounter of the semester to determine if I got honors in the class (I did not).
  • Received a humbling lesson that God is so much bigger than I can imagine.
  • Became a chamber singer for a day (who says you need formal choir experience?)
  • Took the most useless test of my medical school career (Professor gave us the questions from the homework, verbatim, in the same order).
  • Got to see amorsinseramada and yamikonumber7 for the first time in forever (Love you guys!).
  • Met a bunch of hospitals I might rotate/intern with in a few years (never too early to think about residency...).
  • Had the longest run of my half-marathon training thus far (6 miles, with the middle 4 being at least 7 MPH and 2% incline... bleh).
  • ...may or may not have started dating a lovely young woman (and been very excited about that). |D
  • Crammed more genetics, nutrition and biochem into my head than I think I will ever use.
  • Celebrated a classmate's birthday by studying for about 18 hours of that day.
  • Took (and passed!) the last test of my first semester of medical school!
  • Saw Tangled in 3D with aforementioned lovely young woman (In an utterly empty theater... huh).
  • Spent a day at Disneyland, at Christmastime, again with said lovely young lady (sadly, it rained the whole time and we had to share an umbrella... XD )
  • Had breakfast with Lauren, lunch with Michael (and, briefly, Neva) and made it home in time for dinner with the fam.
  • Managed to introduce the lady to the family without them knowing who she was (I'm sneaky like that).
  • Survived a long day of family obligations (plays, dinners, cleanups, etc.).
  • Got to explain to the parents who the girl they met last night was.  =P

...all within about the last two weeks of my life.  Normally, I'd give you tallies on exactly how many hours of sleep I was averaging, but I was too exhausted and rushed to count.  Suffice to say, the most common range of sleep-hours during the previous week was between 2-4.

At the moment, though, I'm at home, vegetating and trying to get over this cold that decided to come along now that I'm not doing anything.  I must say, I really do appreciate its patience in letting me get through the semester first.  In any case, I'm recuperating, sleeping, training Pokemon, catching up on HIMYM and Smallville, and doing some reading.  Oh, and having a wonderful time with the family.

...Life is good.  =)

friends, life is good, busy, med school

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