Oct 03, 2010 17:00

The Giants win the NL West!  The Giants win the NL West on the last day of the season!  BOO-FREAKIN'-YAH!  And they didn't make me drive down to San Diego tomorrow after my anatomy final to watch the tiebreaker!


Apologies to most of my LJ friends, I know you guys probably don't care, but I'm freaking excited right now!

Anywho... this is epic.  My two teams are the Giants and Yankees, and they're together in the playoffs for the first time in years.  For the Yankees, it's kind of expected; for the Giants, it was a surprise.  At least, going by national writers and such; the Giants were picked to finish third or fourth.  I thought they'd be better than that, but fans always think better of their own team.  In any case, I guess this time, it's true.

It's Magic Inside?  I guess so.

Anyway... playoff picks, people!  Predictions.  Get 'em in by thursday.


Giants vs. Braves
Phillies vs. Reds

Phillies vs. Giants =(

Twins vs. Yankees
Rays vs. Rangers

Yankees vs. Rangers =(

World Series:
Phillies vs. Rangers

Philly is clearly the class of the NL (I'd say Giants, but the Phils have a high-powered lineup to go with their rotation), but I really like the Rangers.  If Josh Hamilton stays healthy, I can't see anyone else stopping them.

giants, yankees, baseball

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