He Cares For You

May 06, 2010 19:36

Been a busy couple of days.  As it's the beginning of the month, there are piles and piles of things to do at work, for once.  Unfortunately, I managed to screw up some of my new duties pretty badly, to the point where the rest of the office had to go back, erase everything I did, and redo it correctly.  To be fair, it wasn't entirely my fault- I was given some faulty information to begin with- but I should have been paying a little more attention.

On top of that, I also got the first student feedback from my Kaplan course.  On the 'Poor-Fair-Good-Excellent' scale, my teaching got a 'poor'.  It was only one student, and they didn't offer any kind of actual comment, but it's still pretty disappointing for someone who's used to being excellent.

So anyway, a couple of reminders that I wasn't very good at the work I was doing, plus the busy morning (of the 'everyone has something they want Kevin to do' type) had me a little stressed out.  My office is also prone to bouts of serious negativity- even though they all tend to have a pretty good sense of humor, when they get in their moods, they just exude waves and waves of stress, complaining about their jobs, and blaming all kinds of people for making their lives harder.  They also like to cope with it by speaking to each other in baby-talk, which is one of my serious pet peeves.  Basically, it was not a good morning, and I felt myself dropping to a place I didn't want to be.

Eventually, though, the answer smacked me in the face- pray.  I snuck out to a storage closet and just asked God to remind me of who He was and who I was.  Everything that was going on might be stressful, but He was still God, I was still his child, He still has great things in store for me, and he has put me where I am so that I can spread joy to those around me.  I walked out much relieved.

The day was much better from that point.  Not that the situation changed, mind you.  I just got a reminder of the perspective I'm coming from- the one that tells me that God is God, no matter what.  I'm going to need to hang on to that in the years to come.

In other news: Iron Man 2 Midnight Premiere tonight with Katie, Megan, Jacquelyn and a handful of other folks.  Woohoo!

good times, yay jesus, work

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