May 01, 2005 21:47
Zekk yawns, rubbing his eyes sleepily as he walks along the sunlit path near the new Jedi praxeum on Ossus. A small nod from a passing apprentice catches him slightly off guard, and he smiles hesitantly. Almost two years later, and he’s still not entirely comfortable with his rank as Jedi Knight.
He’s supposed to meet with Masters Skywalker and Solusar and Tionne soon to discuss training some of the younger students at the new praxeum. Surprisingly, this doesn’t frighten Zekk as much as he thought it would when the idea was first mentioned. Teaching has its potential, and Jacen’s last hololetter hinted that it might be possible to rope the other Jedi into the task as well. It could be like their days at the Academy on Yavin 4, just, without…
You’re over that, he reminds himself as he continued to walk, getting closer to the nearby ruins. His reign as pathetic loser of the galaxy was over, even if still, every once in a while, he wants to drown himself with a bottle of Coruscant’s best. You made your choice, and so did she. Forget it.
He runs a hand through his shoulder-length ebony hair, a shade lighter than black, trying to focus his attention on something else. He needs to remember to send a holo to Peckhum, run a full diagnostic on the Lightning Rod, and meet Lowbacca later in the day for evening meal. Not to mention avoid that stanging Durron, Advisory Council show off.
Approaching the ancient Jedi library, a gleam in the durasteel structure catches his eye. Curious, Zekk walks over to investigate. He studies the dull surface, noting the incomprehensible faded white letters standing out against the grey panel. Someone should mention this to Tionne, he thinks. He runs a hand over it, surprised when his fingers touch an invisible crack.
He bends down, kneeling on the dirt ground to continue his exploration of the weird artifact. It’s almost as if he can latch his fingers into the crack well enough to… He gives it a pull, and a piece of the panel opens to reveal an entrance way. Zekk knows he should report back to Master Skywalker, but curiosity has definitely overtaken the young Jedi.
So, without a second thought, he steps through…