Dear Santa...
Dear Santa,
This year I've been busy!
Last Wednesday I got in line at the supermarket at the same time as someone else and I didn't yield (-8 points). In January I gave
pottersues a Dutch Oven (-10 points). Last Friday I bought porn for
quicksilverclaw (10 points). Last Saturday I signed my organ donor card (28 points). In September I helped
meggiegurl415 hide a body (-173 points).
Overall, I've been naughty (-153 points). For Christmas I deserve a spanking!
So giving someone a usefull cooking tool takes away points, while giving someone else porn adds points? I am intrested. And Megga... don't worry, no one will ever know.
Besides the several people who read this lj. Oops.
I miss you guys. When are you coming home? :(