My lil kitty Cade is sick. (He's one of my favorite things. Not that he's sick.) He started running a fever two weeks ago and the vet gave him steroids and antibiotics, thinking it was probably just a "bug" of some sort.
He started getting better, but then he got lethargic again and spent the whole weekend doing nothing but sleeping on a warm blanket. Took him back to the vet Monday and he still has a fever and has lost down to 5 lbs. He's so skinny, you can feel his ribs when you pet him. :(
The vet did $$$ worth of tests and put him on meds for worms, just in case the weight loss/lethargy is because of a parasite. We should get the blood tests back today. Crossing my fingers that it's nothing serious.
On a happier note ;) a singer I've come to love has a new album out this week. My friend Jon introduced me to
David Ford recently and he's become one of my favorite artists. Check him out! I heart him very hard.
Click to view
Just as good as new music - new books! <3
I'm currently finishing
"Dead Beat" (#7 of the Dresden Files Series.)
After that,
"Blood Ties" ( #12 of the Bishop/Special Crimes Unit Series) and
"Flirt" (#18 of the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter Series) will have arrived from Amazon. Just in time for Jury Duty week after next. ;D