On Stephen Hawking's lastest: "There doesn't have to be a God"

Sep 02, 2010 11:50

Plastered all over the news today, getting the atheists all fired up, and the deists left being apologetic.

Oddly, the gulf between atheists and theists re: God and creation is not so vast as it may seem. From a theist point of view, God created the world (some expand this out to include the universe, now that we're no longer following the Ptolmaic view of the world). From an atheist perspective, natural forces--some that are not well understood, and others that we may not even know about yet--have brought us to this point. These are not contradictory, and what I wish is that instead of fighting between the two parties, some degree of cooperation could be forged. God/natural forces are/were at work; can we, with our primitive tools and limited viewpoint, discover more about those workings? Is God less a god if we know how it was done? Are natural forces less natural if they require a more-advanced intelligence than we currently possess?

cosmology, theism, atheism

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