Saw Avatar last night...

Dec 22, 2009 09:10

Incredibly beautiful movie, fairly predictable story, archetypal characters and a race of indigenous people who blend every indigenous people More Advanced Cultures have sought to uproot. Had a good time picking who wasn't going to survive based on the first five minutes of seeing the characters.


My Live in Harmony heart loved the Na'vi and of course cried with them when the Hometree fell (I'd have sobbed my eyes out if I'd been there alone) and I thought worse things about the humans than I've thought for a while.

Some things about the plot bothered me - how much forest would be left after all those ships crashed and burned into their foliage? - and damn it, I wanted Grace to live (though I knew she was dead meat), but all in all, yes, very enjoyable film. The world building was stunning, and I say that as someone who went in very cynical.

Looking forward to seeing it again next week with John. And if you haven't seen it and want to see it, if you have the means, see it in IMAX or 3D. It's worth the few extra dollars.

movies, boy was i wrong

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