Friday Film FiMEHsta

Jan 27, 2012 13:12

Content Note: Check out MMA Thriday and the UFC Roundtable below!

Welcome to the RETURN of the Friday Film Fiesta!

S.O.P.A. is dead (for now), and thus the Cinematic Sopapilla is also dead due to lack of sponsorship money. And you people WONDER why I had to sell this column out to Transformers, Green Lantern, and Burger King last year?

Last week Lamar S. Smith asked you how awesome S.O.P.A. and P.I.P.A. are, but if he can answer my poll, then I can answer his; they both suck.

-- Box Office News: Kate Beckinsale + tight leather = MONEY
-- Trailer Time: Finding North, Darling Companion, Black Gold, Seeking Justice, Brake, Red Lights, Price Check, Lockout, and Mirror Mirror
-- In Theaters This Week: The Grey, Man on a Ledge, and One for the Money
-- Next Week's Notable DVD Releases: In Time, Drive, Dream House, The Thing, and The Big Year

Once again, we begin with some "What If?" links sent in by Glenniebun (REAL MEN use usernames!):
-- What if modern movies were made in a different era?
-- What if Gonzo directed a Muppet Movie?
-- What if some dude remade Star Wars?

-- Academy Award nominees have been announced! What about those WELPies?
-- Speaking of the Academy Awards, what if the posters of the nominated movies told the truth?
-- Netflix is doing just fine, thanks
-- What were IMDB's most viewed pages of the last decade?
-- The Crow is being remade
-- Here are a slew of images from The Avengers!
-- Attention Andy, get to L.A. to see RangOWN again!
-- I thought Justin Bieber was remaking Back to the Future?
-- What is a member of the Wolf Pack worth?
-- Patton Oswald isn't happy about his movie being snubbed by the Oscars, so what does he do? Why, Tweet, of course!
-- Here is a sneak peek of the PG-13 Expendables 2!
-- This news about Monty Python might do something for someone out there
-- Bueller? BUELLER?!?
-- Will ANYTHING top Charlton Heston?
-- Ugh
-- Here's some viral stuff for MIB3D
-- And here is the official synopsis for The Amazing Spider-Man

I'm embarrassed to say there will be no poll this week; I simply cannot think of a damn thing to ask.

Have a good weekend, folks!

friday film fiesta

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