Mar 22, 2006 15:46
I have gotten over the pub crawl business, I think, and I am trying my hardest to concentrate on getting all my work done on time and in a good manner so that I will have a decent GPA when I leave here. Its getting harder and harder to stay close to some people. Everyone I am friends with is so special to me, I don't want to lose touch with them at all after I leave. But, it seems that some friends don't seem to feel that way. I already feel like I am losing one of my best friends from High School, and the thought of losing him crawl business, I think, and I am trying my hardest to concentrate on getting all my work done on time and in a good manner so that I will have a decent GPA when I leave here. Its getting harder and harder to stay close to some people. Everyone I am friends with is so special to me, I don't want to lose touch with them at all after I leave. But, it seems that some friends don't seem to feel that way. I already feel like I am losing one of my best friends from High School, and the thought of losing him completely is just killing me. I don't know what I am going to do when I leave here. Maybe before its all over, everything will work out just fine. Yea, and lets not even talk about the logistics of graduation. Its going to be the first time since my parent's divorce that both sides of my family will be in the same room with each other, and I am a little worried about going out to eat with them. Serafin will just have to keep reminding me that its my day, and maybe he can remind them too. It should make for some interesting conversation at the bars later that night. I keep having nightmares about what its going to feel like to get the diploma and walk away...what if I'm not ready? Its scary.....
Whoa...I almost freaked out there for a second. On the upside, I have a great boyfriend who is going to help me pay for a trip to NY on SUNDAY with CHARLES AND JU-JU!!! Charles has an interview for an internship in Manhattan, so we are going to go with him and spend a night in the city. Its going to rock, but it wouldn't be possible without my baby, and I love him soo much for it! It kind of makes up for the fact that I don't get to go to Chicago with my LAUT class. I guess sometimes, things work out like they are supposed to. Well, I need to go back to pretending like I am working on my internship...its hard to write an article when the people won't call you back....later!
ps-"Into the Woods" April 6-9, Troy Theater, WJU-come see me in a corset! You better be there!! =)