Jul 24, 2010 09:45
Morning of 7-24-2010
The first thing that I can remember is that I was driving in a car through the country side. I was in the passenger seat. I’m sure who was driving, but I do remember Eric Regnier being somewhere in the car. I was sitting in the back seat on the right side looking out the window. Gorgeous stuff going on out there…the rolling hills, forests, mountains….all not worth explaining because it would be an injustice to how amazing it looked.
The first place that I remember passing was when we were on a road on the side of a mountain, driving down the mountain. I looked down the cliff to the right to see a nice orderly set of pine trees. There were maybe about 100 of them. Ordered nature typically comes up in my dreams a lot. I guess it’s something that intrigues me. After some more driving the car was off of the mountain and on a normal country road. There were no trees blocking the view so I could see a lot and very car off in the distance. It must’ve been fall. Most of the leaves were one the ground and none of the trees had leaves. The road had some ups and downs…like what rolling hills would like. I looked to the right and started to see some bodies of water. Nothing huge, just some small ones with some interesting trees around it. I passed one lake and a large tree stump that was a miniature version of one of my “map” dreams that I had in the past. I instantly recognized it as such and tried to see more of it, but the car kept on moving. (wtf, recognizing a place in a dream from another dream?)
The hills started to become more intense, which blocked my view of the trees/ground to my right that I was looking at. Eventually, the trees started to look like someone had come in with a big machine and chopped them all down at the halfway point. More and more trees were felled, cut up, or just stumps.
The road turned into a slight downhill and then curved to the right. If the road had continued, it would’ve gone up hill. So try and picture the road turning to the right and after the turn, on the left side, there is an incline similar to a farm field. So it’s not only a hill, but it has significant horizontal width.
This hill used to have trees on it, but the loggers or whatever absolutely destroyed it. Trees were stumps and nothing more. Tire tracks and twigs marred the bare soil where large trees once stood. We stopped the car and got out. I felt very sad for the trees and didn’t like what had happened here. Sometime along the way, I had realized that I was dreaming and decided that now was a good time to try and change some stuff. (Hey, it’s my dream, right? Haha) I focused as much as I could, lowered my hands to my side, then raised my hands in the air in front of me as to pull the trees from their stumps and into the air to their full height. “Miraculously”, some of the trees grew with my hands into full height, bare leaved trees. You could hear the wood cracking and growing. I did it again, only this time with more intensity and more focus. Again, the trees grew, but more of them this time. The stumps were now leafless trees on a barren wasteland. I knew instantly what to do. Focused, I crossed my arms in front of my chest and ripped them apart as if I was ripping my shirt off. Whoosh! Huge, green, bountiful leaves along with some green grass erupted from the trees. Not every tree took to grown right away so I tried again, but more focused. Again, wood of the trees cracked as the limbs grew to bare leaves at full capacity. The once bare hillside was now home to countless full grown trees with leaves. Excellent. It was official. I was lucid dreaming. Once again, I had control over my dreams. Let’s do some crazy shit! Haha
I told the people that I was with that I was going to try and see more of the area. I took flight to the skies! I flew straight up. On my way up I had thought I passed a bald eagle! I couldn’t see it too well because it was near a cloud, and I passed it a little too close. The further up I went, the colder it was. It was crisp. Icy. Blue skies with cloud cover below and cloud cover above. I came to rest on the top of a tree (trees? I was at thousands of feet in the sky, don’t ask). This tree was home to what looked like a bald eagle, but the pattern was different. It was white on top, half of his back, chest, and upper 1/3 of the wings. The lower portion of everything else was brown. It also had a yellow beak. I looked above and realized that there was a layer of ice above me. I could see some things in the ice…things like…a pink van and some other unidentified things. (No clue what a van was doing in the layer of ice in the sky). I flew back down to a different group of friends and wanted to show them the ice in the sky that I had found. I took a girl (dunno who she was) up with me to the ice, again flying through the chilly brisk sky to the eagle’s tree, but this time I punched through the ice. It was very thick. Once on the other side we saw that there was another world! You guessed it, an ice world.
The world was mostly water with ice floats and off in the distance we could see a large cliff of ice shooting upwards. The cliff spanned as long as we could see in either direction. It looked like the people of this world were having some sort of party. These people were huge! 8-10 feet tall! The entrance to the party was in the side of the cliff. I flew us over there and were instantly welcomed into the party by one of the gentlemen. He took the girl’s hand and escorted her in. Once inside the ice cliff, the water level was up to our necks. I started to get worried. We kept walking down the ice hallway filled with water until it opened up into an ice house. Everything was either ice or snow. Furniture, walls, floors, everything was ice. We talked to the people for a little and I started to get an uneasy feeling. I asked if we could leave and one of the guys there said no, that we could not leave. Crap. Haha. We tried to fight our way out, but I ended up getting cut on my finger…which was odd because I had assumed myself to be superman. The rationale was that my powers didn’t work as well in this other world. The man who I was fighting was, like the rest of them, tall and strong. He was bald with some scruff. We were facing each other ready to fight, ready to pounce. I went in to stab him in the face with a knife. Bam. He’s done. The rest of the party didn’t want us to leave either. They started to surround us. We pushed through the crowd to another room and one of the ice land people reverse melted up from the floor! (formed into water, from the floor, the “froze” into a solid ice form) She tried to grab us but we ran into a different room. The lady who was after us was all ice and not huge like the other ice land people. She was normal sized. Hair, face eyes. Her eyes were a deeper blue and large like aliens eyes. She also had a “wedge” haircut. I looked down and started to see another ice puddle forming (indicating the ice land person lady was coming) so I grabbed the nearest blowtorch(?), turned it on, and pointed it at the puddle to keep her in the liquid form. Only her face had formed and I could see that she was frustrated that I had trapped her. Me and the girl I brought escaped the party and retuned home.
This is where the details start fading. So let’s go into summary mode. When we got back home the ice lady appeared again. She had the ability to use her ice powers and control people she had contact with. She tried taking the girl back with her, but somehow we defeated the evil ice lady! Hooray
Things to note:
This is the second dream that I had about huge ice people in the sky
I recognized a place from another dream I had, again….i dunno that just seems interesting to me.