Before commencing this LJ entry, I would like to preface it with the following:
I think that that aptly describes the following convseration:
(EDIT: Please note that I don't endorse this list. I'm just posting it for context.)
100 Ways You Know You're a Christian Treatment of non-Christians:
1. You storm into atheist forums preaching fire, brimstone, and divine wrath, but you scream persecution the moment atheists start teasing you for it.
2. You threaten non-believers that something that does not exist will send them to a place that does not exist.
3. You think atheists are going to hell even though hell has never been proven; yet you cant stand it when atheists point to Christianitys brutal history even though it has been proven.
4. You are deeply offended whenever atheists criticize or insult God, even though they are attacking an idea and not an actual entity.
5. You feel everyone should be subject to the laws of Christianity, yet you take offense when atheists say that humans are still animals and subject to the laws of nature.
6. You address all non-Christians as atheists.
7. You expect followers of other philosophies such as Buddhism to conform to your own narrow definition of them, yet you cant stand it when Christians are stereotyped.
8. You think that atheism is a religion.
9. You cant tell the difference between atheists and agnostics, and you probably do this deliberately.
10. Whenever you hear about any other religions you need to know how Jesus fits into them.
11. You act surprised when atheists tell you they have Christian friends and family members.
12. You cant imagine how a bad experience with Christianity might cause someone to abandon it.
13. You ignore what Jesus said about humility or being non-prejudiced, because after all this is about sticking it to the atheists!
14. You use the words heathen, godless, heretic, and infidel pejoratively.
15. You pull out random bible quotes as if that actually proves anything other than the bible has an opinion.
16. You incessantly quote the bible to atheists as though theyd never heard such things before.
(etc. You get the idea)
danger_a:"I'm Catholic and not one of these applies to me, that's the gayest shit I've ever read. I hoped for something more creative from this community."
kronus_voltaire: "I didn't realise a list could be gay. What, does it prefer the company of other lists?"
godwillnspire: "Well, it specifically prefers the company of other lists of its own gender."
kronus_voltaire: "So, numbered lists?"
godwillnspire: "I can't remember if it's numbers or indention that signifies gender in lists."
jedisnon: "There are four genders for lists:
* indented-numbered
* indented-bulleted
* nonindented-numbered
* nonindented-bulleted
Homosexuality can be an (non)indent/(non)indent or number/number or bullet/bullet relationship. Often, the dominating figure in (non)indent/(non)indent relationships is the numbered list (where there is one) while the dominating figure in number/number or bullet/bullet relationships is the list that is indented. Although rare, however, there are exact-match relationships amongst lists (i.e. indented-numbered/indented-numbered). In these types of relationships there is no clear dominating or submissive figure."