- 00:04 @ MinnerDinner *sends gentle BallsBump* #
- 00:06 Was losing brain cells watching The Nanny and George Lopez. Season 2 of Psych to the rescue! #
- 00:09 @ MinnerDinner I missed you, too! I had no one to ball-bump with! #
- 00:19 @ MinnerDinner Yes! Yes, they are. #
- 00:36 @ katylyn89 nice! =D I wish I'd seen ANY of the PotCs at the drive-in. #
- 00:37 @ Texasartchick HOWDY! #
- 00:40 @ katylyn89 Oh, I bet! #
- 00:47 Have now finally seen "Down the Stretch Comes Murder." (Hush. At least I'm watching them *now*. =P) #
- 00:50 @ dragonnan heheheh. Yes indeed. #
- 00:53 Would anyone want to read a Jules drabble? I got it into my head to do a set, but hers is the only one done so far. #
- 00:54 ...Having to do with the S4 finale. #
- 00:55 @ Texasartchick I am! I've had a few thoughts on the potential Lassiet, but I'm gonna let them simmer a bit. I want to make that believable. #
- 00:56 @ Texasartchick The other(s)... not real inspiration yet. But most definitely will happen. #
- 00:57 @ OkapiSeeks twitpic.com/1g6sjc - =D How is it that a villain makes me so very happy? #
- 01:00 @ dragonnan I have not. I've read Tex's stuff, and I read a Lassie-centric WIP of @SpArKyCoLa77's. Not really anything else yet. #
- 01:00 @ katylyn89 w00t! #
- 01:01 @ jvento twitpic.com/1g6psz - I think my vote is for the left one. #
- 01:03 @ jvento oops. Sorry. I only just saw your tweet. #
- 01:04 @ katylyn89 Yes, please! #
- 01:04 @ MinnerDinner G'night, 'Baller! Feel better, you. #
- 01:06 @ dragonnan Awesome. I shall look her up. #
- 01:12 @ dragonnan Good to know! I like dark!fic. (haha. You don't say!) #
- 01:12 @ Texasartchick Awesome! I'll try to check that out this weekend if possible. (lol! Nice.) #
- 01:13 @ Texasartchick Sounds like I DEFINITELY need to read her stuff, then. Maybe it'll inspire me. #
- 01:14 @ Texasartchick Sweet! The best kind of author. #
- 01:15 @ Texasartchick And I have you to (at least partially) blame for my writing bug today. I don't know why these drabbles popped into my head. #
- 01:15 @ Texasartchick bye! #
- 01:16 @ katylyn89 I sent it, btw. #
- 01:22 @ katylyn89 Thanks! I just replied. =) #
- 01:23 @ katylyn89 I'm going to do one from Lassie's POV, and I'm thinking Shawn's and Abigail's POVs for the other two. #
- 01:30 @ katylyn89 Good night! And thanks again for reading/reviewing. =) #
- 01:30 @ sgflutegirl Good night! #
- 01:32 @ MockTurtlePower Oh, nope. Not yet. I'm working on a set of drabbles, and she read the Jules one that I finished. =) #
- 01:33 @ MockTurtlePower Next up: Lassie. Then Shawn & Abby, I think. Except that I haven't thought much about what I'm doing for the latter 2 yet. #
- 01:34 @ MockTurtlePower Yep! These are going to be so short (100 words exactly, each) I don't want to post them individually. #
- 01:35 @ OkapiSeeks Good night! #
- 01:37 @ MockTurtlePower lol... I love drabbling. When I first started out, drabbles were my specialty. #
- 01:38 @ MockTurtlePower You'd be surprised how much smut can be fit into a 100-word story. =P #
- 01:38 @ MockTurtlePower lol, exactly. (Though, sometimes they make a good teaser for a bigger fic to come.) #
- 01:50 @ MockTurtlePower A notice, maybe? #
- 01:52 @ MockTurtlePower Bad!fic? #
- 01:56 @ MockTurtlePower (oh, I like that.) Ah, well. I dunno then. If my printer worked, I might consider printing some Horri!fic just to burn it. #
- 01:57 @ KitKatt20 Good night! #
- 02:15 tweetphoto.com/18767564 @MockTurtlePower hehehe. "Oh, waiter!" #
- 02:18 Am sleepy. Neeeed to go home. #
- 02:21 @ MockTurtlePower Yes. That all sounds excellent. Good night! #
- 02:22 @ MockTurtlePower Thank you! I shall try my best. #
- 02:24 @ Fearless_90 zomg! YOU FED THE SHASSIEBALLS! XD Best possible bedtime present. #
- 02:36 @ Fearless_90 Nothing really. When you say it out loud, it's supposed to be along the lines of z'ohmygosh! ...or what have you. #
- 02:37 @ Fearless_90 Basically adds a little emphasis/oomph to the "omg." =p #
- 02:48 @ OkapiSeeks twitpic.com/1g6wbl - *hearts this* #
- 02:52 @ Fearless_90 I had to go put clothes away 1st (was helping mom fold kids' clothes), then I was closing some tabs. NOW I'm going to bed. =P #
- 02:59 @ forest_of_ice oh, lol! Yeah. Just an @ and their name. And, wow, what timing. I was just about to sign off and head home. =p #
- 03:00 @ forest_of_ice Fun times! I'd like to see those. #
- 03:00 @ Fearless_90 g'night! #
- 03:59 It's nearly impossible to keep on schedule today, so you might... More for Gemini twittascope.com/?sign=3 #
- 19:39 haha... Hanging out with @forest_of_ice and thinking about making home movies with our chibi Star Wars toys. #
- 19:42 Idea inspired by this bit of insanity she & @theonlybek did. RT @forest_of_ice Check this video out-- In The Sea youtu.be/N6e-mgAh2rM #
- 20:11 AHHHH! Thank you!! RT @FilmTVGuyNYC: GLEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! "The Power of Madonna" songs: bit.ly/8Xjd6D #
- 20:20 @ Isis_Nocturne sweet! #
- 21:07 Watching the Thunder Over Louisville. World's largest fireworks display: www.wave3.com/ Awesome stuff. #
- 22:07 Wheeee... Going to finally get my files off of Larry tonight. My poor little laptop. #
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