- 00:05 @ katylyn89 *cringes slightly* Rap is one thing I've actually never been able to stand. Save for a small handful of exceptions. #
- 00:07 @ Texasartchick lol! I figured as much. I was busy getting hammered and nailed. Er... I mean hammering nails and hanging pictures. =Þ #
- 00:08 @ fidelis_pietas Hee... I have decided yet. Will probably hang him up. Not sure if in the bathroom, though. That might be weird. =Þ #
- 00:09 @ fidelis_pietas ooh, no no. No framing of teh Lassie towel. He'll probably get hung on a hand-towel rack, but not really used. #
- 00:11 @ psychwrites twitpic.com/1c1j9d - Oooh... pretty! #
- 00:11 @ psychwrites twitpic.com/1c1k9m - So shiny... #
- 00:12 @ psychwrites twitpic.com/1c1l13 - Very cool. #
- 00:13 @ katylyn89 lol... um. I actually don't know that song OR that band. #
- 00:15 @ fidelis_pietas hehehe, yeah. And the coolest thing is that she made it from my drawing! --Which I drew from the picture in your background. #
- 00:17 @ fidelis_pietas Man, that pic has gotten around. Did a pencil drawing from it, perm marker drawing from that, food coloring drawing on (tbc) #
- 00:17 @ fidelis_pietas a pineapple from THAT... plus, I used that same photo as a basis for my pumpkin. And now I have it on a towel. XD #
- 00:18 @ fidelis_pietas lol! Sounds like some people I know. #
- 00:18 @ katylyn89 lol, ok. I might look it up later for curiousity's sake. #
- 00:19 @ Texasartchick good night! #
- 00:20 @ katylyn89 Heh, ok. Maybe I'll just google the lyrics later instead. ;Þ #
- 00:21 @ fidelis_pietas heheh... no arguments there! #
- 00:25 @ PsychPineapple I had a piece of you today. You were tasty! #
- 00:27 @ TheSporkWielder HEE! Yes, I did! And that was, in fact, a Firefly reference. @NathanFillion confirmed it last night. =D #
- 00:30 @ PsychPineapple Well, of course! You're made of awesome and full of delicious flavor! #
- 00:34 OH! I almost forgot about the book I took a picture of earlier. Now where did I put my camera... #
- 00:42 @ PsychPineapple ummm... #
- 00:48 @ BowieBride Oh! While you're here. I'm working on a ShassieBalls project, & I'd like to eventually send you one of the finished products. =) #
- 00:51 @ sgflutegirl @jvento good night! #
- 00:51 @ MinnerDinner @BowieBride #ShassieBalls ftw! #
- 00:54 @ BowieBride I'm sort of... MAKING some ShassieBalls. But that's all I'm telling anyone right now. =) #
- 00:55 @ BowieBride Unfortunately, though, my laptop died a couple days ago, so the project is temporarily on hold. =Þ #
- 00:56 @ Fearless_90 lol... Encourage? Are you kidding? @BowieBride practically INVENTED ShassieBalls! #
- 00:57 twitpic.com/1c473t - Found this book at work today. Bet it was one of @Psych_Lassie's favorites when he was a little boy. #
- 01:02 @ Fearless_90 It's very, very possible. Probably couldn't hurt! #
- 01:09 @ BowieBride @MinnerDinner @peppermintt25 Have I mentioned lately that #ShassieBalls is my third most used hashtag? #Psych is number one. ~_^ #
- 01:11 @ Fearless_90 ... #Glee =Þ #StarWars is 4th, and #PsychUSA is 5th. #
- 01:12 @ katylyn89 LOL! 2nd place goes to #Glee, 4th place goes to #StarWars, and 5th goes #PsychUSA! #
- 01:20 ok, tweeps. It's after 1am, and I have work in the morning. I should probably go home and crawl into bed now. #
- 01:21 @ BowieBride I'm gonna run on home now, but I'll let you know when I manage to finish Operation #ShassieBalls. =) #
- 01:23 Right. Home. Bed. GOOD NIGHT! #
- 03:13 You may be making plans for your escape, but that doesn't mean... More for Gemini twittascope.com/?sign=3 #
- 08:16 @ shaebay I was almost running late, too. Woke up 20 minutes before work. I'm just lucky I live close. >_< Ugh. #
- 08:24 @ Psych_USA I was afraid of that. =P Oh, well. Thanks for telling us at least that much! #
- 08:49 twitpic.com/1c69ip - Now listening to... @hatp #
- 08:52 @ RoyalPains_USA Wow.. It's a little weird to look at pictures that bright and sunshiny and *warm* when it's overcast and 52 degrees outside. #
- 08:52 @ RoyalPains_USA Not to mention, I feel like I should be putting on sunglasses to look at them. #
- 09:05 ok... It feels *really weird* to accidentally put your hand on a piece of rubber that has begun spontaneously melting. IOW, *not* from heat. #
- 10:28 @ acubound05 oh, man. That royally sucks. I think this is like the technopocolypse for PsychOs or something. That's 4 of us now w/ problems. #
- 10:38 @ acubound05 Who knew glitchy computers were contagious? =P I hope your files cooperate soon! #
- 10:39 @ jvento Also retweeted for you. =) #
- 10:51 @ hils_k twitpic.com/1c6yln - Ee! Pretty doggies! #
- 11:36 @ FilmTVGuyNYC I tend to avoid IDOL at all costs anymore. Simon would be only reason for me to watch. #
- 11:39 *dances* Think I've decided on a replacement laptop that I'd like. & Even adding 2 upgrades, it'll STILL be less than Larry cost me 3yrsago. #
- 12:05 @ BowieBride Good read, &good points to think on. I'm lucky to have a mom that sews, so if/when I get married, BOOM, the dress I want, cheap. #
- 12:11 @ fidelis_pietas ...and amazing melting abilities in driers. My parents' dryer has permanent blue streaks. #
- 13:53 @ MockTurtlePower *snickers* I approve! Welcome to the Gutter. Have some chips. *passes bowl* #
- 14:13 @ Fearless_90 gesundheit. #
- 14:14 @ TheSporkWielder heheh. =Þ #
- 14:19 @ Fearless_90 So... they're loud sneezes? =P (For the record, I have no idea what Asplundh is.) #
- 14:21 @ Fearless_90 oooh, ok. #
- 14:33 @ FriendlyIndians twitpic.com/1c887k - Rock on! \nn/ #
- 15:07 WANT! RT @savagechickens:Perfect for scruffy nerfherders RT @DarkHorseComics:Dirty? Get clean w/Han Solo: bit.ly/cYoat2 by @KyleeLane #
- 16:27 It's funny/kinda wonderful how in a single moment, everything can feel completely different. Knowing the bumps in the road will smooth away. #
- 16:29 *breathes* I see life at the end of the tunnel. Who'da thought. It's a hell of a long tunnel, though. #
- 16:31 @ eliand504 It's, um... Well, the matter is still currently under consideration. #
- 16:39 RT @USA_LawOrderCI: The PBPulse reports: "Last hurrah a fitting one for Goren, Eames" ow.ly/1tjM6 #
- 16:44 @ FilmTVGuyNYC @USA_LawOrderCI I hope some of the bitter Goren-Eames -- I'm sorry, I mean Criminal Intent fans will ease up on you soon. #
- 16:52 @ psychgirl007 Nope. The last fan of the week at the end of the season stays up until time for the new season. #
- 17:11 @ Isis_Nocturne twitpic.com/1c957y - PURPLE! #
- 17:25 @ undrcovrbloggrs Excellent Intro post. w00t! Not that you can tell, but I'm following y'all. Not quite ready to reveal that identity yet. =) #
- 17:30 Fan of USA's shows? You should follow these guys and read their blog: @undrcovrbloggrs #
- 17:35 @ undrcovrbloggrs Quite welcome! #
- 17:45 @ Texasartchick Very awesome new pic. I bet @Psych_Lassie will be jealous. ;) #
- 17:51 Plan to delve into a bit of craftiness when I get home. Desperately need to, especially if I ever plan to have something to blog about. #
- 19:30 twitpic.com/1ca0ck - I got me some sweet puppy snuggles. ^_^ #
- 21:12 Am officially in crafty mode tonight. w00t! Feels good. #
- 21:20 @ Winky_Cutto aww... good night! Feel better tomorrow! #
- 21:23 @ fidelis_pietas hehehe. Yes. Yes, I am. #
- 21:24 And true to form, I can't keep my mind on only one craft at a time. I brought three with me, & am about to work on two more on the computer. #
- 21:34 @ susie130 I can't help you with the axe, and this isn't as good as the real thing, but: *hug* #
- 22:38 I can has new computer! =D Just ordered my new laptop, and it is going to be SWEET. Yay for credit cards. #
- 22:42 @ OkapiSeeks Thanks! #
- 22:43 @ Fearless_90 @OkapiSeeks @fidelis_pietas @Texasartchick Would it be silly of me to 5th the wish for a @Psych_Lassie blog update? #
- 22:44 @ MinnerDinner Heh, um... Very sorry! Shall I wish for your computer to kick the bucket so you can have an excuse to get a new one? =Þ #
- 22:46 @ MinnerDinner Poor thing. If it makes you feel any better, I technically don't have the money for it, either. =P #
- 22:47 @ MinnerDinner When my next paycheck comes through in 2weeks, I'll finally be able to pay off the last of my old balance from before Xmas. =P #
- 22:49 @ Fearless_90 lol... greeeaaaat. Now I'm gonna have that song stuck in my head. THANKS. =Þ #
- 22:50 @ fidelis_pietas lol... let's hope all the pressure pays off. #
- 22:50 @ writin2insanity I haven't been able to watch it the first time yet. Mom watching SVU + can't use the computer in front of the TV right now. #
- 22:55 @ MinnerDinner heheh. Yes it is. Of course, what I just put on the card is twice the amount I'm getting ready to pay off. =P #
- 23:01 I now have a completely different "Under Pressure" in my head. #
- 23:02 For @Fearless_90, because of whom I looked it up, and for @BowieBride, 'cause it's David Bowie singing w/ Queen: met.al/udrprs #
- 23:04 The beginning of this song always Psychs me out, making me think it's "Ice Ice Baby." #
- 23:07 @ OkapiSeeks Good luck with that. I'm nearly over mine from a week ago. #
- 23:07 @ OkapiSeeks ...And good night. #
- 23:07 @ Fearless_90 heheheh #
- 23:11 @ susie130 It's very tricksy that way! #
- 23:26 @ Isis_Nocturne lol! um... I don't think I actually realized that. #
- 23:34 @ Isis_Nocturne oh, hee! Nice. Those were some mighty fine tight pants. #
- 23:50 I am making my 13,000th tweet at 11 minutes-til midnight on the Eve of April 1. I wanted it to be 13 minutes-til. =P Oh, well. 13,000! w00t! #
- 23:52 @ grimacetjackson @jvento I always think about doing "rabbit rabbit" when it's too late to actually be the first thing I say in the month. =P #
- 23:55 @ Isis_Nocturne haha! I was actually kind of late discovering Labyrinth. Which there's really no excuse for. =P #
- 23:55 @ jvento @grimacetjackson I think I might say it right after midnight *and* first thing in the morning. Just in case. =Þ #
- 23:56 @ Fearless_90 *snort* I'm not even gonna try competing with that. 13 is my favorite number, so I'm happy with this. =) #
- 00:01 @ Isis_Nocturne Really? o_O I had no idea I was that much older than you. I was 4 years old when it came out. But saw first it in my teens. #
My twitterly twitting, brought to you by the letters L and T, and by